Page 72 of The Darkest Chase
I really have come a long way from that girl I used to be.
That girl would never smile first at Joseph Peters when the valet greets me at the door with a solemn look.
“Miss Grey,” he says, almost dubiously—eyeing me like he’s wondering what I’m even doing back here after I scurried off days ago. “He’s waiting for you in his office.”
“Thank you, Mr. Peters,” I answer brightly. “Have you been well since the last time we spoke?”
“I cannot complain, miss,” he answers neutrally and turns to lead me into the house.
I follow him down now-familiar halls, working through my thoughts. What could I possibly ask him to probe for clues?
“There’s a lot of history in these walls. I feel like I’m being hired to overwrite it, but I suppose it can’t be all bad,” I say. “Rumors, you know. People love to spread the dark stuff around, but what about the happy memories in this house? I just wonder if I’ll be erasing them.”
Joseph doesn’t look at me, but his back stiffens.
I almost think he won’t answer until he mutters, almost under his breath, “I’m not sure happiness can ever thrive in this house, Miss Grey. Frankly, I am not certain that even extensive redecorating will banish the ghosts in these halls.”
My breath catches.
“Wait, do you mean… do you mean the maid?” I ask. “Did you know her?”
“Cora,” he says sharply, as if her is an insult.
“Sorry,” I answer. “I totally meant no disrespect.”
Joseph Peters stops in the middle of the hall, turning to face me with a long, thoughtful look. He’s younger than some of the other servants I’ve seen around, probably under forty. He has a neat crop of brown hair parted down one side and kind, but wary brown eyes.
“Cora Lafayette was like an aunt to me,” he says slowly. Carefully. Like he’s choosing every word. “Perhaps even a second mother, better than the one who never wanted me. I came here for work, but Cora, she made me feel like I belonged. Not a day passes that I do not miss her, Miss Grey.” He swallows tightly. “And I do not know what you mean to accomplish by asking me this.”
“I’m sorry!” I hiss. “Really. I didn’t mean to be rude or poke at any open wounds.”
Joseph gives me another lingering look, almost unreadable. “This house is an open wound, Miss Grey,” he says.
Then he pivots sharply on his heel. The forbidding line of his back tells me this conversation is over.
Well, crap.
I think I just hurt a man who doesn’t deserve it, and possibly closed a door for Micah.
I want to apologize again, but I keep my mouth shut.
Sometimes, it’s better to just stop digging.
We’re not far from Xavier’s office anyway, and I’m surprised to look past Joseph and see Xavier’s usually closed office door hanging open. A hint of sunlight from the windows spills into the lamplit halls.
Joseph moves to the doorway, then goes stiff, whipping around like he’s about to stop me, stretching out one hand. “Miss Grey—”
Too late.
I’m too close on his heels and I stop behind him, staring into the room.
Xavier Arrendell stands behind his desk with—
My scarf?
It’s pressed to his face, right over his nose and mouth. His eyes are closed almost blissfully as he inhales deeply.