Page 117 of Feral Omega
Growl, turn away, raking hand through black messy hair.
"She needs you, Wraith," he adds. "Needs all of us."
I close my eyes, clenching jaw, sinew.
I know.
I know she needs protection, needs safety.
Why I have to stay out here.
More threat than her guardian.
But kill all who trespass.
Open my eyes, slowly.
Meet Thane's gaze.
He stares, watches, and nods.
"Alright," he says. Resigned acceptance. "But if you change your mind..."
Not until her scent goes back.
Vanilla and sunlight.
Not… this.
Burning, hot, molten amber.
Tempting me.
Tempting to let the monster rule.
Thane turns, heads back inside.
Back to Ivy, back to pack.
I stay in the cold.
Where I belong.
Where I'll always belong.
Pacing, growling, fighting the beast.
Waiting for dawn, for release.
For her scent to fade.
For peace.
But it never does.