Page 48 of Feral Omega
He's serious about this whole nesting thing.
"It's supposed to help omegas feel more at ease," he explains. "Give you a space that's yours to make into... well, whatever you want, really. No rules, no restrictions."
I eye him skeptically, searching for the catch.
I'm sure it's just more treats to get me to perform tricks for them. Tricks like being docile and opening my legs.
I've been expecting them to just force themselves on me like any other alphas would—and have—but convincing me to consent to all this seems to be part of the twisted game for them. They didn't violate me while I was unconscious. Not that I'm aware of, at least. I found no evidence of invasion when I woke. No marks, no bruises, no seed.
But their unpredictability makes them all the more dangerous.
"You'll have free rein over the common areas too," he continues when I don't respond. "The run of the place, so to speak. No more being cooped up in here like a caged bird."
I stare at him.
Does he really not know that's exactly what I am?
He seems bizarrely earnest. He's good at fooling himself, then. Fooling himself into thinking he's not just like every other goddamn alpha on this godforsaken planet.
The words are meant to reassure, I know. But all I can focus on is the heavy metal collar still secured around my throat, branding me as their property no matter how much "freedom" they claim to grant. And unlike the mark on my shoulder, it's not a mark I can simply sear off my skin.
I reach up, fingering the unyielding metal as I hold Thane's gaze.
He sighs, raking a hand through his tousled hair. "I know that collar feels like more restriction," he says, something in his voice making me think he might actually mean it. "But you have to understand, it's for your own good as much as ours. We can't risk you running off and getting killed."
I scoff at that, giving him my most withering glare. As if I need their protection from anything out there.
As if I'd want it, even if I did.
Seeming to sense that he's not going to sway me, at least not today, Thane lets out another sigh and straightens to his full, imposing height. "Well, the room's ready whenever you are," he says, already turning toward the door. "I'll let you get settled in on your own time."
And just like that, he's gone, the door swinging shut behind him with a soft click. I stare at the blank metal for a long moment, my mind racing.
A room of my own. Freedom to roam, within limits. Nesting materials to make a space for myself, to nurture that softer, more vulnerable part of my nature that's been so ruthlessly suppressed.
It's more than I ever could have hoped for in this place.
And yet...
I shake my head, pushing away the treacherous thought before it can fully form. They're trying to lull me into a false sense of security, to coax out my inner omega so I'll be more pliant, more easily controlled.
Well, it won't work. I refuse to play their game, to let them manipulate me into being the pretty little doll they so clearly want.
Squaring my shoulders, I rise from the cot and cross to the door, pulling it open with a creak of protest. My new room lies beyond, waiting.
I slip out into the hall, letting the door swing shut behind me. I pad up to the door of the room I was in before being trapped in the infirmary. I hesitate for a moment before grasping the cold handle and pushing it open.
I take in my surroundings with a sweeping gaze. Boxes, crates, and baskets overflowing with fabrics and furs and feathers catch my eye, my breath catching in my throat.
Actual nesting materials.
I trail my fingers over the soft woven blankets, the silken throws, marveling at the rich textures and vibrant hues. Colorful sequins and rhinestones glitter at my touch. This isn't the rough canvas and scratchy wool of my childhood, the bare essentials required for survival. This is a far cry from the tattered tarp I spent so many stormy nights curled beneath.
This is luxury. Indulgence.
A tendril of want unfurls in my chest, blossoming into a fierce ache as my fingers continue their exploration. I've never had anything like this before, never been afforded such simple pleasures.
Part of me longs to gather the materials into my arms, to lose myself in the sensual caress of fur and feathers against my skin. To build myself a nest worthy of the most treasured of omegas, swaddling myself in layer upon layer of comfort and safety.