Page 83 of Feral Omega
Our omega.
The two words echo through my mind like a war cry, a rallying call to arms. She may not have chosen this life, may not have asked to be bound to our pack. But that doesn't matter, not really. Not when every fiber of my being screams at me to shield her, to hunt down any threat and eradicate it with brutal, merciless force.
"We have to find her," I growl, whirling on Valek with eyes blazing. "Now. Before?—"
The words die in my throat as movement flickers at the edge of my vision. I spin toward it, lips peeling back in a snarl as I brace for an attack.
But it's just Thane emerging from the tree line, Plague a silent shadow at his side. The boss's dark eyes find me instantly, that implacable gaze missing nothing as it sweeps over me and Valek.
"What the hell happened up there?" he demands without preamble, already closing the distance between us with long, purposeful strides.
I open my mouth, but Valek beats me to it, that familiar sneer twisting his full lips.
"Your little pet project went rogue, that's what," he spits, jabbing a finger toward the treacherous slope we just climbed. "Knocked me out cold and booked it into the fucking wilderness with my gear."
For a beat, the only sound is the whisper of the wind through the skeletal branches as Thane processes his words. Then his jaw clenches, that muscle ticking in a way that says he's battling to keep his legendary temper in check.
"And Wraith? Did you see him?" he finally grinds out, obsidian eyes flicking between us.
"Nope. Thought he was ripping apart the mansion with you," I say with a shrug, feeling oddly wrong-footed. "Haven't seen him since we split up for the assault."
Thane's nostrils flare as he sucks in a harsh breath. When he speaks again, his tone is low and utterly devoid of inflection. "He's gone, too. Booked it out of the mansion almost as soon as you radioed. We found his tracks leading into the forest, along with signs of a struggle. Looks like he went after Ivy."
The bottom drops out of my stomach at his words, that ember of rage flaring white-hot in my chest once more. If that feral psycho so much as lays a finger on her...
"We're going after them," Thane continues, already turning on his heel and striding back toward the tree line. "And when we find them, I want Wraith tranqed and secured. No arguments, no questions. Just do it."
"What about the little wildcat?" Valek calls after him, that mocking lilt back in his gravelly rasp.
Thane pauses, his shoulders squaring beneath the layers of tactical gear. "Ivy isn't the threat here," he rumbles without turning around. "We'll deal with her once she's back in our custody and out of harm's way."
I shoot Valek a pointed look, unable to resist twisting the knife just a little deeper. "Hear that, tough guy? Sounds like the boss doesn't think his precious little pet is that dangerous after all."
Valek's eyes narrow to slits, but he holds his tongue for once. Smart move, because I'm already wound so damn tight that even his bullshit jibes might be enough to make me snap right now.
Instead, he just hitches his rifle higher and falls into step behind Thane and Plague as they disappear into the gnarled tangle of the forest. I linger for a moment longer, scanning the horizon one last time as if I might somehow catch a glimpse of Ivy through the swirling snow.
But the wilderness remains as still and silent as a graveyard, betraying no hint of the precious life force hidden somewhere in its frigid embrace. With a muttered curse, I turn and take off in the opposite direction, the icy branches clawing at my face like skeletal fingers.
Thane'll be pissed, but so be it. I'm following my instincts. That's how I roll.
Hang on, little wildcat. We're coming for you, whether you want us to or not.
And if that feral bastard Wraith has so much as looked at you the wrong way...
Well, not even his brother will be able to stop me from painting the snow with his blood.
Idrift awake to the pale light of dawn filtering through the cave mouth. My eyelids feel heavy, crusted with dried tears and exhaustion. As my surroundings slowly come into focus, I'm aware of the solid wall of heat pressed against my back.
His arm drapes over me, a protective weight holding me close. I tense instinctively, every muscle coiling like a wire pulled taut. But he doesn't move, doesn't react to my stillness. Just lies there, unmoving, unblinking.