Page 44 of For the Night
Your girl.
“Yes, Ma’am.” I bit back a moan as she slid a finger deep inside me, quickly followed by a second, and I arched my back. “May I see you, please?”
“Not yet. This is for me.”
Oh God.
I grabbed on to the chains of the cuffs so I didn’t hurt my wrists when I pulled and writhed, because that was clearly where I was heading. She kissed me, fingered me, and licked me as if her goal was for me to lose my mind.
Then she pinched my clit, and I nearly arched off the bed. I gasped loudly and felt the pain shooting through me, intensifying the pleasure.
“I’m going to have so much fun with you, sugar,” she told me.
A resounding smack sounded through the loft, and the air was sucked out of my lungs. Pussy spanking, check! Fuck, fuck, fuck, she was relentless all of a sudden. Her hand came down over and over, until she switched things up with her soft tongue and perfect fingers. Then back to spanking me.
I moaned and whimpered, and the pressure started building up rapidly. The wetter I got, the more the impact sounded—and felt. Sharp pains. Heat. Fucking fire. And I got it. Like servitude was my crack, control was hers, and she played me like a damn fiddle.
She fucked with my head too when she sucked on my clit and squeezed the insides of my thighs so hard that her nails were going to leave a mark. I choked on a gasp, and I wanted to scream as much as I wanted to moan.
“Fuck!” I cried out instead.
“You’re going to bruise beautifully, pet.”
Yeah, my pale ass had heard that before. I whimpered as my eyes burned behind the blindfold, and I started panting like a madwoman.
She hummed against my flesh and pushed me closer and closer toward the cliff. The pain faded, and she finger-fucked me faster, each movement causing slick sounds that filled the air. Along with my heavy breathing. All of it brought me under. I went from knowing that I was getting closer slowly to…holy fuck, I was right there. Drowning in pleasure. I sucked in a final breath and held it, and I tensed up so hard that I trembled. My muscles protested. Sweat beaded on my face.
I was so gone.
I imploded and couldn’t make a single sound, and she kept working me. She fucking controlled my orgasm too. How was that even possible? She increased every ounce of attention that got me off and kept the pain at the perfect level where it just fueled the bliss. Her mouth and tongue never left my clit, but her fingers pinched, and her hands spanked and squeezed.
The faintest whimper left me in the end, allowing me to draw a ragged breath, and she brought me down slowly. Squeezing turned into gentle rubbing, and I shook and shuddered.
Sweet Jesus, I wasn’t sure I could walk now if she asked me to. My whole body felt like jelly. It was part of the mattress now. A permanent bed feature. Thank you and goodbye. Lights out.
Penelope kissed her way up my body. I was busy panting.
She released me from the cuffs, causing my arms to flop down, and removed the blindfold. A chill hit my face. That felt nice. Okay, I just had to breathe. Breathe and get my heart rate down.
I exhaled and blinked drowsily.
She smiled down at me, and I wanted to…
“I wanna pull you down on me, but I can’t lift my arms,” I croaked.
She chuckled softly and kissed my nose. “Good thing you don’t have to move a muscle for a while. I was thinking I’d get us some drinks and snacks?”
Oh yum.
“I love your post-sex plan,” I said.
“And I…” Her gaze grew gentle, and her smile was filled with warmth. “I love what you said earlier. It means a lot to me.”
I understood what she was referring to, but she had no reason to thank me. I was here for her, no matter what that entailed.
The following day, I was on my own for a while. Penelope and the other organizers of the event got together to hammer out more details, so no bottoms were allowed near the cabin where they sat.
I did absolutely nothing useful, except catch myself staring at Penelope.