Page 9 of Overwhelmed By Magic
Unfortunately, they won’t find that with him.
When his emotions fluctuate, so do his needs.
And it’s not pretty.
I jump to my feet, wings beating as I weather my essence to stay put. The one thing I haven’t truly figured out is what my essence is capable of. I can materialize almost anything, move anything or anyone from place to place regardless of the essence restrictions, and many laws of physics just don’t seem to apply to me. My anger rules my abilities and so the absolute need to keep a calm head is not just something I do, but a requirement to stay in control.
Jade’s essence doesn’t listen that easily.
“I’ve heard his dick is fucking massive.”
“Isn’t he like fifty?”
“So? Incubi take the form of what you want in a partner.”
My eyes span the trees, the darkening woods heightening my anxiety. That’s when I see the first Magila, a Versipellis from what her aura shows. Another Magila beside her has the water element but I can’t determine what her designation is. The third Magila is most definitely some kind of fire elemental with that cocky smile and smirk plastered on his face.
The other two hang back but the fire elemental surges forward, swaying his hips with every step. “So, I heard-”
I block his path, a firm hand to his chest before he gets any closer. “Whatever you’re thinking is going to happen, won’t. I can assure you.”
“Oh, you’re that fucking angel guy that his own uncle discarded. Everyone knows about your holier-than-thou act. Back off. We want to talk to the Incubus.”
“You poor, poor soul. I’m no angel. Not even close. My wings may be white but I will be your worst nightmare. I can also guarantee that a conversation with Jade will end up in your possible death.”
“His sex that rough?”
“No, but his essence is.”
“Just step aside.”
The motorcycle revs and I know that in the next second Jade will take off. He won’t want to stay and possibly hurt this kid who doesn’t understand what he’s asking for. Unfortunately, my warnings aren’t enough and Jade’s essence reaches much farther than any of us anticipated.
I stare, horrified as the kid clutches at his chest, his eyes widening. “Wha-” he croaks before dropping to his knees, the wisps of his orange aura flickering in and out of existence until they’re nearly gone. Jade speeds off, the kid sucking in a large breath, gulping in air as I stand there, realizing that the Incubus is never going to step out into the open ever again after that shit.
“I fucking told you. Now, what you need to learn is that we’re not here because we need a little extra training. We’re here because we don’t fit the fucking mold that the Maglia council stuffed us into. If I was an angel, I’d probably be on that council myself. As it stands, I’m something else entirely just as you aren’t a fire elemental. I have no idea what you are, but you are definitely not that. Welcome to Grimrose Academy and don’t fuck with the ones who’ve been here a while. We all have a few anger issues to work out.”
I pat the blanket, trying to give Jade the comfort he needs within his own boundaries when my door swings open, metal clanging against the stone. We both jolt and then I whirl around, narrowing my gaze at the intruder.
“Lovers! Rise and shine!” A voice rings through the stoned hallways. Ambrose is always a terror in the morning, rising earlier than the rest of us to ‘enjoy the sunrise alone’. I’m 99% sure that’s bullshit and that he’s crafting some way to make everyone else’s lives are just a little bit more miserable.
I’m supposed to be the evil bastard on campus but Ambrose wears that crown much better than I do. The fact that no one has any idea how old he is helps add to his terrifying persona. Elegant long black hair hangs around his shoulders, shrouding deep green eyes that see everything, and a mysterious scar across his left eye that darkens his persona. He’s never mentioned it or any of the other designs etched into his arms and chest.
I have a feeling that they tie into his essence but the mage doesn’t express any desire to discuss who he is or his abilities. The mysterious aura that surrounds him isn’t just something he’s crafted, it’s his entire personality.
“That door was locked, Ambrose.” The doors lock on their own, mostly for our safety than anything else. There are a few tricksters among the students, so we’ve been gifted with prison doors that we can lock and unlock at will. It’s to give us some semblance of privacy but with cameras in all the hallways and main areas, it’s still a fucking prison.
He shrugs, shooting me a wiry grin as he leans against the wall and folds his arms across his chest. “And I unlocked it. It was in my way. You should be glad I didn’t damage it. Got anything you’re wishing for today?”
“Get fucked. Don’t try that shit in here.”
Ambrose isn’t just a mage—or maybe not a mage at all as far as I’m concerned. He runs around giving 'wishes' to other Magila, cackling when he breaks his promises, takes what he wants, and leaves the asker without any benefit. Mages always have to follow rules but not Ambrose. The only similarity that he has to other mages is the gem dangling from his neck which keeps his essence in check.
Without it, he’s a goddamn monster.
More than he already is.