Page 41 of The Stowaway
She caressed his plump, soft cheek with her finger.
“Absolute perfection,” I said as I gazed at my beautiful, strong queen.
She was never a victim. She was a fighter. After almost fourteen hours of labour, which had left me traumatised, but as soon as she’d held Lev, it was all forgotten for her.
I sat beside her, content to wait my turn to hold my tiny son again. Lev was a healthy 8lb and 3oz’s. The nurse had commented that he was long like me. I thanked God that Amelia came into my life. I couldn't imagine ever being with anyone else.
Amelia let out a long, contented sigh as she lay back on her mountain of pillows, and I stood up to take Lev from her.
“You rest. I have him,” I told her as she nodded her head, but her eyes were already closing.
Lev was dressed in an all-white outfit since we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl. He was fast asleep when I cradled him against me as I sat down again. I couldn't wait to bring them home. My time in the city was limited to two to three days since the Garrisons had been disposed of. I still had to contend with some overseas business, but where I could, I would be able to send Dima. I didn't want to miss my children’s milestones, and my business came second to my family.
I reached out and held Amelia’s hand while I cradled Lev. My world was in this room and I didn't care how it looked to the hospital staff by having Pavel and Maksim standing outside the door.
They were worth protecting at all costs.
Amelia woke up to feed Lev during the night. I could feel her initial frustration as we struggled to get him to latch onto her breasts, but I’d been on my phone googling it all while she had slept. Once Lev got the hang of it, he suckled greedily, but as I watched them, it felt miraculous what a woman’s body was capable of.
We left the hospital by early afternoon. Lev was in his car seat, and Pavel drove us home. When we got home, Lena was waiting in the doorway, and Misha came running to greet us. I proudly held Lev in one hand and wrapped my other hand around Amelia as we went into the drawing room.
Misha was excited to see us, and Amelia cooed to him as she petted him. He paused when I put the car seat on the floor, and we waited to see his reaction. I stroked his head as he sniffed close to Lev’s feet before he backed away, causing Amelia to laugh.
“It's hard to believe that I thought he was going to eat me when I first met Misha,” she said. “He looks scared of Lev.”
Amelia sat on the couch with Lev by her feet. Misha came back and began sniffing Lev again, this time licking his face. When Lev waved his hands in protest, Misha licked his tiny hand. He turned to look at me before he sat in front of Lev. I knelt down to unbuckle Lev from his car seat. I knew Lena was desperate to hold him.
“Look at all that hair. He will look just like you,” Lena said to me as she held her hands to her chest.
I paused to let Misha have a final sniff around Lev before I passed him to Lena. She sat beside Amelia, and I noticed that Misha was following Lev. Amelia was relaxed and smiled as Lena chatted away. Pavel was away checking in on the security team. Maksim came in and stood beside me.
“My congratulations, you have a fine son named after a formidable man,” he said.
“Spasibo,” I said, thanking him. “My grandfather will be pleased with his name.”
Lena passed Lev to Amelia as she stood up.
“I will make you some lunch. I doubt the hospital gave you anything worth eating,” she said as she walked out of the room with Maksim following her.
Misha put his head on Amelia’s lap and kept his face pressed against Lev’s leg.
“I missed you, too, Misha,” she said as she rubbed his head.
“Do you want to go upstairs?” I asked.
“Yes, can you move Lev’s Moses basket into our room and perhaps let Misha stay close by for a little while? He seems clingy,” she said.
He wasn't barking, growling or over-excited, so I nodded and picked up the bag we had taken to the hospital. We went up the staircase slowly. I knew it would take several weeks for Amelia to recover, but for now, I wanted her to rest and not worry about anything. If she wanted everything in our bedroom for now, then that's what I would do.
It wasn't long until I helped her change and get into bed. We left Lev lying in the middle of the bed, and Misha didn't jump up. He sat beside the bed, looking at us. When I fetched the Moses basket and set Lev down in it. Misha moved to sit beside the Moses basket before he lay his head down on the floor. Amelia smiled at him before she looked at me. She must have had the same thought as me.
God help anyone who tried to harm Lev.
I took my T-shirt off and joined Amelia in bed. I’d wanted her to get her rest in the hospital, and there was little chance I’d have fitted on the hospital bed with her. The need to hold my wife close to me took priority. She wasn't torn because I had remained diligent in massaging inside her pussy and stretching her out after a bath. Her eyes ran over my body, pausing over the tattoo. It felt like a meaningless, youthful mistake now, random patterns running from my neck downward. The ornate cross on my chest was the only one I didn't regret.
“I've not showered,” I murmured as I moved beside her to pull her into my arms.