Page 6 of The Stowaway
I glanced up at her, wanting to ask her questions about the enigmatic Ivan Maslow. Lena sat down on the bed.
“Ivan said you are staying with us. I’m Ivan’s housekeeper, and if you need anything, please let me know.”
“Thank you, Lena. I appreciate that,” I said, looking at her.
“If you ever want to talk about anything, let me know,” she said, patting my hand.
She looked like a petite grandma. Her white hair was pulled back, but it didn't make her look severe. Her face was too soft, and she had a relaxed, content demeanour. My mum was much younger than Lena, but her face was ravaged by drink and drugs.
“I believe Ivan is going to get you everything you need today. Can I bring you anything to read?”
“Yes, please,” I said, returning her smile only to grimace at the pain from the cut in my lip.
“You rest up. The books will be with you shortly, and I will send lunch up later.”
I smiled in gratitude as I was glad to have something to do while I lay here banged up.
She picked the tray up and turned towards the door.
She paused and glanced at me.
“Is Ivan a good man?”
“I've known his family for over twenty years, and they have never harmed any woman. They took me on after my husband died, and I had three children at the time,” she said, fully turning towards me. “Their family looked out for us all until my children had finished their education. I owe them a great debt of gratitude. Ivan Maslow is a good man, dear.”
I nodded, feeling overwhelmed because perhaps if someone had helped my Mum, we wouldn't have ended up as we did.
Chapter 3
Dima and Maksim were sipping on the coffee Lena had left us. I’d explained everything to them. Dima had sent me the footage, and I watched her sneak into my car while I was occupied with Bordhok.
“I have to ask. You're sure this isn't some kind of scam?” Dima asked.
I gripped my cup because if I didn’t, I would have smashed it across his face.
“Hey, it's my job to look out for you. Why are you looking as if you want to kill me?”
“Because, you gormless cunt, you didn't see the state of her bruised and battered body. You didn't see her petrified reaction to me. This wasn't a one-time beatdown. This young woman has been fucked up for a period of time,” I snapped at him.
Maksim elbowed Dima like I didn't have eyes.
“She is my future wife, and I won't hear a word against her. The only reason we are having this meeting is as soon as I have her surname, I want her abuser located and watched. I want to know everything about her, from birth until she stepped inside my car.”
Dima looked surprised for a moment before he relaxed back on the sofa and stretched his feet out.
“Babushka i Dedushka will be ecstatic about this. They can stop messaging me asking about your sex life.”
“I've already called my family,” I said, feeling excited as I recalled their reaction.
If anyone could understand how poignant this moment was for me, it was my family. My problem was that I found it difficult to try and hold back. When she woke up, it quickly became apparent that my little Kitten was as innocent as she seemed. This is why I sent Lena upstairs, so she knew that there was another woman in the house.
“I won't be back in London for a while. Let me know if there are any problems with our operations. On the trading side, I can work from home. I take it our Albanian friends won't be a problem?”
“Bardhok won't be disrespectful again, and the original percentage will stay in place,” Dima said with a smile.