Page 103 of Finding Wonderland
“No, baby.” Picking Everleigh up, Vera sat her on the desk. “Mama just wanted to take the day to spend some time with you and Mom since it’s her birthday.”
“Mom’s at work,” she stated flatly.
Being called out by a four-year-old wasn’t on her to-do list for the rest of the afternoon.
“I know, Evie, but now, we can go shopping for a present for her. Won’t that be fun?”
Everleigh arched an eyebrow, looking so much like Mason she could pass as her biological daughter. She could tell by the smile Everleigh couldn’t hide she was up to something. As per usual with their youngest.
“We should probably get ice cream too since I’m supposed to be sick.”
Everleigh’s sweet smile could, and more often than not, would get her everything she wanted. She had everyone wrapped around her finger and knew it. But Vera and Mason seemed to always be the ones she used her superpowers on the most. One sweet look at Mason was all it took for Everleigh to get whatever she wanted.
Vera rubbed her nose against Everleigh’s before kissing her cheek.
“I think ice cream is a must.”
“Can we invite Mason?”
“You’ll have to ask her.”
Handing Everleigh her phone, she watched her find Mason’s contact and FaceTime her. Mason was at work, and answered with the phone facing up at the ceiling.
“Hey, Mama.” The sound of keyboard taps could be heard on the other end of the line.
“It’s Evie,” Everleigh giggled. Mason immediately picked up the phone to show her face, smiling at her youngest sister. The sight melted Vera’s heart.
“Hey, sis. What are you doing?”
“Mama and I are gonna go get ice cream. Can you come with us?”
“Ice cream?” Mason’s excitement was palpable even through the phone screen. “I’d love to.”
They made plans to meet at the ice cream parlor in an hour, which gave Vera plenty of time to run by the jewelry store first to pick up Isla’s gift. Vera had picked out what she’d hoped would be the perfect gift for Isla. She’d been wanting a birthstone necklace for their kids, but never would pull the trigger on the price. So, Vera had one custom made with all their kids’ birthstones. Blake, Mason, Ellie, Brayden, and Everleigh were all represented on the silver necklace, and Vera was beyond excited to see it in person.
Walking into the jewelry store, Vera greeted the clerk who went to the back to pick up the necklace. Everleigh stood patiently by her side, leaning up against Vera’s leg as she stroked her hair. Thankfully, her blood sugar had remained in range since early that morning, thanks to the Dexcom. It had been a learning curve for all of them, but Everleigh was worth it. Isla and Vera made sure all of their family and friends knew how to use it and help Everleigh when something went wrong.
It was how the Mackenzies faced everything: together.
“Here you go.” The clerk handed the blue velvet box to Vera, who slowly opened it.
Opening the box, she gasped and put her hand to her heart. The blue zircon, aquamarine, two ruby, and the garnet stones looked stunning together. And the fact they represented each of their babies made it all that more special to Vera.
“She’s going to love it. Thank you.”
As they left the store, Everleigh and Vera made their way toward Any Given Sundae. She looked for Mason’s car parked along the road, but didn’t see it. Vera knew she needed to check Everleigh’s blood sugar before ice cream, so she pulled out her phone. Thanks to the Dexcom, she didn’t have to do a finger prick on Everleigh each time she needed to check her blood sugar. The reading was, thankfully, good, so Vera felt okay with her having some ice cream.
“There’s my favorite people.”
Mason came running up behind them, scooping Everleigh up into her arms as she laughed. Seeing the two of them together would always make Vera’s heart soar. Even more so these days. Everleigh was now the same age as Mason was when Vera first met her. She couldn’t believe how much time had passed in the blink of an eye and she had to keep herself from crying.
“You okay, Mama?” Her sweet Mason could read her like a book, just like her mom. Vera smiled, putting an arm around Mason’s shoulder and kissing her cheek.
“Yeah, sweetie. Just happy to see you.”
“I’m supposed to be sick,” Everleigh chimed in.
“Oh, is that so?” Mason arched an eyebrow at Vera, smirking. “Well, then I think ice cream is the best solution for that.”