Page 25 of Heart's Temptation
Whoever the little fucker was, they’d better hope I didn’t find them, because they’d be begging for death by the time I was done with them.
“Come on, Niki, it’s time for you to go back to the apartment.” She was trembling when I put a protective arm around her shoulders and tugged her to my side. Remo fell in step behind us and followed us out of the theater.
“But, what about Gio?” Niki halted mid-step.
I stopped walking to tuck a stray piece of hair from her bun, behind her ear. “We have things to discuss at the club, but you will be well guarded in the penthouse. You need to eat and get a good night’s sleep. Hear me little girl?”
Her frightened eyes leveled me, and I wanted nothing more than to stay with her but her safety was paramount. I ran a hand in soothing circles on her back until the tension eased from her. “Nicolette…” I tipped her chin and captured her gaze with mine. “I promise we will get this person, just hold on, tesorina.”
She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly closed it and nodded her head instead. Once we got outside, Amergio got out of the car and opened the door for Niki. I hustled her in and did up her seatbelt. Remo climbed in on the other side and off they went, followed by the two shuttles carrying the rest of the crew and the bodyguards.
When I arrived at Gio’s club, the Bianchi brothers stood guard on the upper level where Gio kept space for his private use. One was positioned at the bottom of the stairs, and one at the top. It felt like overkill, unless there was something I didn’t know. Scratch that. There was a lot I didn’t know, and it was beginning to get under my skin.
I dropped down in a seat opposite Gio, noting that for the first time in years, there were no girls on either side of him. His private server was, however, and quickly brought me a drink when Gio snapped his fingers at her. I grimaced at his action and wondered again what had happened between him and Niki tonight, but there were other, more immediate things to discuss.
“Tell me everything,” he demanded.
I did, right up to my suspicions regarding this being a matter of revenge.
Gio sat back looking composed, his agitation obvious only by the drumming of his fingers. “Assuming you are correct… Who would want revenge on Nicolette? And for what?”
I sat back and downed my drink, then shook my head. “That’s the part I’m not sure about. I need to think about it when I’m rested. I’ve still got to meet with Almando and bring him up to speed and catch up on what I’ve missed since I’ve been away.”
Gio waved his hand in the air like what I’d said was inconsequential, when earlier it had been a clear command, given by him.
As we were hashing out Niki’s potential threats, Romeo and Simo arrived.
“Would someone care to explain what the hell is going on?” Romeo demanded, arms crossed, his eyes black and soulless, looking for all the world like the mafia boss he was.
Simo pulled out a chair for Rom and took a seat beside him. Gio snapped his fingers once again and his server returned a few minutes later with a round of drinks.
“Vincenzo texted me some cryptic message about the past and then I got your message about a possible traitor in our midst. What the fuck, Gio?” Romeo snapped.
A frown moved Gio’s brow so quickly I doubted his brothers even noticed. He didn’t like being addressed as if he’d somehow fucked up when so much of his energy was invested in ensuring everything he did was executed perfectly. But he’d never say anything to Rom, as he was the Don and deserved respect no matter what.
I was also Italian, had grown up with the Vitales, and still found their inner dynamics bewildering at times.
“Our brother was referring to Nicolette being back in town,” Gio answered.
The words hung, suspended, very much like Nicolette when she leapt in the air, defying gravity.
“Shit. I’m sorry bro.” Simo reached forward and patted Gio’s knee like it was the head of a dog.
Simo was the deadliest consigliere of all time, even better than his old man, but to his inner circle, he was regarded as a teddy bear. His feelings ran deep for those he cared for, but he successfully hid from the rest of the world behind his scary-as-fuck exterior.
Romeo’s intense gaze softened, but he didn’t attempt to make Gio or myself feel better, though his amber eyes offered us both a look of understanding.
“What does her being back—and we will want a full disclosure on this as she was privy to a lot of private inner workings of our family prior to her disappearance—have to do with our ranks being corrupted?”
Gio had me tell them about the phone call I’d received that night from Niki and demanded I show them the note that had been left in her apartment. He left out finding us in bed together, but continued to what he’d learned today, again leaving out something vital that he clearly didn’t want his brothers to know.
I could tell that Romeo didn’t buy it, but he didn’t call Gio out in his place of business. Respect was the foundation to the Vitale Crime Family and Romeo gave it almost as much as his presence demanded it. “Any ideas who may be responsible?” he asked.
“We were just working that out when you arrived. I know it sounds crazy, but I keep going back to those two cheerleaders in high school.”
All three men acted surprised.
“Why’s that?” Simo asked, looking genuinely puzzled.