Page 52 of Heart's Temptation
In the two weeks following the funeral, the three of us had talked about everything and Niki poured out her story, sharing what had happened with Hetty and how she’d used Niki’s words against her when she wanted to change her mind about leaving the theater. The guilt that had haunted Niki was identical to my own, only in my case, it had been my inability to protect her from my enemies, my family’s enemies. That guilt had almost eaten me alive.
Seeing her suffering had almost killed me, though the spanking had been cathartic and the first step to a slow process of healing for all of us. Nicolette had grown since purging her guilt. She was no longer the girl running away, tempting fate and hiding secrets. With the help of a trauma team, she was taking steps to become the best version of herself.
With Sergei’s death, a hole was left in the ballet that needed filling. The board unanimously voted for Niki to take his place. She said she’d take over until performances were finished, and then she was hanging up her shoes and leaving dance to enjoy her newfound freedom.
Empire Ballet would be at the end of their season anyway, and had some time to figure out what came next. We’d found out that the private sponsor who had rented her an apartment and paid her expenses had been none other than Pieter Knyazev. He and Liam had been planning this coup since the death of Ivan Knyazev.
Ivan was caught by the O’Connors. His wife Hetty was in a deep world of hurt. Despite her guilt, we recognized she’d been played by her brother, and was almost just as much a victim as Niki was. Almost. Handing her over to the Irish to be tortured and killed wasn’t in our nature. We moved her to a safe house out in the countryside and had round-the-clock surveillance on her until we could come up with a better alternative.
The Russian faction in the eastern United States was in a state of chaos as were the Éannas. After internal discussions, we decided to partner and reward those who had stood by our side, as such soldiers that had been with us a long time were moving up. Negotiations would begin after Empire's opening night performance at the I-Rock.
Things were shifting and changing, and the Vitale Empire was growing. The annual meeting of the high-ranking families was coming up in a few months’ time and Romeo planned to have everything in place with signed treaties. Our papa would be proud of my brother; he’d kept his word, keeping his family safe and continuing to grow the empire he’d passed to us.
Tomorrow was the big performance and Marko’s second in command, Almando, while he was proving himself to be quite the dance connoisseur, helped Nicolette with the preparations. After the big performance, the cast would go home to New York for a two-week run, and then Nicolette was ours. No more sharing.
It was dusk and I peered outside to the little stage. Nicolette had sent all the dancers back to the hotel early so they could get plenty of rest before their final dress rehearsal tomorrow afternoon.
I’d watched her practice plenty of times, but nothing was quite as magical as seeing her move here in the privacy of our home with only the birds to watch her. And us of course, but she didn’t know that.
Marko sidled up beside me, handing me a Disaronno on ice. “She is so beautiful.”
I had to agree with him. Her body, which had always been stunning, was a work of living art when she danced.
“She is that. Is everything in place for tomorrow night?”
“It is, and everyone will be in attendance. Not just the family, but those you requested.”
I nodded, satisfied with my plan. “Good, lets feed her and put her to bed,” I said with a smirk.
“Bed sounds good.” Marko smirked in return.
Vinnie had dropped by earlier with a feast of her favorite things and words of encouragement in the form of a good luck card from the family. Nicolette hadn’t seen it yet, but Marko put it by her place setting at the table so when we sat down to feast, she could read what everyone had to say.
“She needs to stop pushing herself, Gio, and save something for the stage tomorrow.”
I disagreed. Watching Nicolette these past few weeks and thinking back on her in high school, I saw we were more alike than I could have imagined. Nicolette didn’t have a sensitive disposition, working too hard didn’t exist in her vocabulary. Emotional stress was her downfall and could make her sick in seconds. But this, fighting for her dream and putting all the pieces together for her little empire? No problem. She had this.
Daddy-bear Marko was a bigger bundle of nerves more than either of us.
I grunted to hide my chuckle. “Why don’t you get her in a hot shower,” I conceded, “and I’ll set the dishes on the table.”
It was hilarious to watch a man of Marko’s size scuttle away to do my bidding, but it was because he wanted her so much, needed her as much as she needed him. I shook my head, dragging my eyes from the stage where she flung herself into his arms, wearing a smile that matched his.
I was just lighting candles and pouring wine when the two entered the room. Nicolette looked sexy as hell in her red silk lounging pajamas. I pulled out her chair and once she was seated, tucked her chair to the table.
She gazed at her plate and smiled appreciatively. “This is perfect, thank you.”
We were silent for a few minutes as we ate dinner, all seemingly lost in our own thoughts. Not me so much, as I was openly observing Niki who literally glowed with happiness and excitement.
The difference from when we’d found her to now blew my mind, and although I’d fallen for the broken girl at school that first day, it was the dancer I saw on stage that first time that had stolen my heart. You’d think I had a thing for dancers in general, building a stage on my deck. And sure, admiring the female body was certainly something I enjoyed, but that wasn’t what stole my heart that day. Niki was a survivor and had found a way to thrive in conditions that offered a constant challenge.
I could see the outline of her pebbled nipples, and my cock stirred in my pants. But Marko and I had agreed. No sex tonight; our girl needed rest and we didn’t want her worn out the next day.
It would be difficult once her warm soft flesh was pressed up against my cock… I was so screwed. “Everything set for tomorrow?” I asked, to distract myself from wanting to bend her over the table and fuck her raw.
“I believe so. Who knew Marko would be so good at managing a ballet company?” she quipped. “Honestly, I’ve been meaning to tell the both of you that I couldn't have done this without you. The company is so grateful for the help and resources you two have heaped upon us. We’ll be the healthiest, most stress-free troupe to ever take the stage.”
I nodded. “You could have, Niki, done it without us.” I disagreed with her before continuing. “I believe Niki Swan could have pulled this entire thing off singlehandedly, but I’m glad we could make this process more palatable. Now open your card.”