Page 38 of Daring You
We both look at each other at the same time.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I ask.
“How long will it be before everyone else figures it out?”
“Not a lot of time,” I admit. “But so far, we’re first. And we have to do it.”
“Do you think we can?”
“If we want a seat at Yang’s table? Yeah, we do.” I set my shoulders. Lick my lips. Take one last look to the bodies of Tim and Rose Delaney. “Where’s Ryan Delaney?”
“The DA’ll be wondering the same thing,” Taryn whispers. “Everyone’s going to be after this kid, on both sides. He’s what…twenty-six now?”
“It’s not good enough,” I mutter. “The others will figure this out in ten-point-two seconds. It’s…holy shit.”
“This is what Yang wants. It’s been his motive this entire time. All hands on deck in trying to track down Ryan Delaney is better than the small cluster of employees the DA has. It’s going to be a frenzy.” I stab the stack of papers I’m holding. “Ryan’s the crucial link. Who knows what he remembers now. He could exonerate our boys.”
“Or point the finger at them.”
“A risk we have to take, because you know what?” I lean closer to Taryn. “Yang wants meat. So, what’s better than bringing him human flesh?”
Taryn smiles. “We’re gonna win this.”
“Damn right we are,” I say. “Because we’re going to find this witness before anyone else.”