Page 64 of Liar
A tiny flame flickers behind my ribs. I press a fist to it, stifling the craving for him. I can still feel Thorne inside me, hot and demanding.
Thorne isn’t my hero; he’s my villain, and he doesn’t disappoint.
“You’re telling me. Long story short, it took way more chatting than I would’ve liked, but Zeke agreed to anonymously call the RBPD and put in the tip about Savvy’s…” Aiko goes quiet. “Affair.”
The air around us becomes thick with sadness. It turns out I really did pick the right place to meet with Aiko. I couldn’t risk going to Zeke myself. Someone might see. If anyone noticed Aiko, they probably wouldn’t put two and two together. She and I are still fighting, according to the entire school.
Soon, Winthorpe will be inundated with so much more. At least two other people know the truth about Savannah—Zeke and Aiko. Within hours, it’ll be the entire town, then the nation.
Oh, god. Nausea swirls, threatening to burst out of me. I’ve deliberately put thoughts of Thorne aside, despite my body constantly reminding me of him—the delicious aches and the newfound hollowness that comes when he’s not pleasuring me—but Aiko and I have reached the point where I can’t turn back or change my mind. I’m doing the right thing. Please, let me make the right choice.
I try to redirect Aiko’s and my desolate thoughts. “You gave Zeke the burner phone we bought?”
She nods, her head down. “If the Societies try to follow the lead, or if they have the police in their pockets, they’ll be told it was a male caller—and not from one of those speech doohickeys, either. An honest to God male with no connection to you. I made sure not to attach your name to this bomb.”
“Just yours.” I wrap an arm around her. “Thank you, Aiko. You did an amazing job. Savannah may not realize it at first, but you’re saving her just as much as you’re saving everyone else from Damion. He won’t be able to touch you after this.”
She rubs her nose. “I hope so. I think I’m so good at this because it doesn’t seem real to me. Not yet.”
He might go after me. I have no doubt he’ll climb down the funnel until it’s so narrow, it’ll only be me at the end.
Let him. I put Aiko into this position, and I’ll gladly submit to the punishment in her place.
I’m more worried about Thorne.
My eyes scrunch shut. I can’t think about his repercussions right now.
I rest my chin on Aiko’s shoulder. “It’s done. There’s nothing more we need to do.”
“I did run into one small snag.”
“What kind of snag?” I ask slowly, lifting my head.
“Jaxon was at the nurse’s desk. His expression was pure confusion when I strolled past, but I swear I stayed confident like I belonged there. Besides, what link could he possibly make between Zeke and me? Jaxon barely knows I exist—for all he knows, I really was there to distribute homework.”
I nod along with her words, but my brows grow tight. “Sure, but what was he doing there? He and Zeke aren’t friends…”
“I don’t know. We didn’t speak, and Jaxon didn’t come into the room when I was there. But when I did leave, Jaxon was still lurking in the hallway.”
I bite my lower lip, thinking quickly. Jaxon’s helped me before, during the challenge where I had to beat Thorne’s time swimming and then scale the cliff. I’d be a fool to think that proves his loyalty to me, however. Everyone knows he’s Thorne’s best friend, his second-in-command, his do-or-die…
I bolt from my seat. “We have to go.”
Aiko jumps up with me. “What? Why?”
“We need to get out of here before Thorne comes.”
“Why would Thorne—oh.” Aiko goes pale. “Jaxon’s keeping watch. He’s noting Zeke’s visitors and sending them to Thorne.”
“Yes, and it won’t be long before Thorne figures out you’re here for me.”
And Damion. Oh fuck, Damion could have Aiko’s name on his lips right now…
I keep that hellish thought from Aiko as we scurry down the emergency exit stairs and into the hospital’s parking lot.
Chapter 22