Page 10 of Shattered Jewel
“So you think they’re victims too?” she asks skeptically.
“In their own way,” I admit. “Does it excuse what they’ve done? No. They still have the necklace they manipulated me into giving away. They still answer to the Sovereigns.”
“Elara,” Sasha begins, her tone cautious. “These men are in deep with this Court thing. If you decide to go after the ruby Heart...”
“They might be killed if they don’t succeed first,” I state grimly. “They said as much.”
Her grip on me tightens, and she swallows audibly.
“I think I know where to start looking,” I whisper shakily into the quiet room.
Sasha raises an eyebrow, curiosity spiking. “Oh?”
“Maverick’s old room. My mom keeps it like a shrine. If he found the ruby and split it in two, there might be clues there.”
Sasha nods. “It’s worth a shot. And it sounds like the only lead we have right now.”
The hidden study I found at Gram’s place shifts into focus in my mind’s eye, but I blink it aside for now. There’s no evidence Maverick knew about William Jonquil’s 19th-century office constructed behind an old grandfather clock at Wraithwood Estate. And I’ve already confessed enough to Sasha without making her head explode. I’ll look through that study after I’ve sifted through everything Maverick left behind.
Sasha abruptly stands, jolting me on the mattress. She strides to the closet, yanking out a backpack and tossing it onto her bed.
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go.”
I blink, surprise momentarily overriding the fear coiled in my gut. “Now? It’s the middle of the night, Sash.”
She shrugs, already stuffing clothes and supplies—for her, that means snacks, a charger, and a can of Coke—into the backpack.
“Are you sleepy? Because I’m sure as fuck not. No time like the present. Besides, the cover of darkness might work in our favor.”
“I hate to break this to you, but we’re not professional burglars. I can just unlock the front door.”
Sasha snorts. “Way to shatter my dreams, El. Here I was, fantasizing about scaling walls and crawling through air vents.”
She throws the backpack over her shoulder and gestures toward the door. “After you, Agent Wraithwood.”
I muffle a laugh and push off the bed. Despite it all, Sasha can still make me smile.
She’s right, though. A certain thrill to this makes my pulse quicken. A high risk but necessary adventure.
But as I rise to my feet, my laughter dies down, replaced by terror. Reluctance. Panic.
Everything I thought I knew is being turned upside down, just like the men who’ve invaded my life and my heart. And Maverick, my treasured memories of him corrupted. How could he be involved in this?
What if I don’t like what I find?
“Hey.” Sasha elbows me, redirecting my attention.
As if sensing my indecision, she tosses me a small pocketknife from her desk drawer.
“For protection,” she explains, her jovial tone fading into seriousness just for a beat before her lips pull into a fierce grin. “Let’s go kick some secret society ass.”
Chapter 3
The summons is expected.