Page 46 of Shattered Jewel
“I didn’t expect her to actually go first,” I say to Axe’s receding back as he shoots forward to catch up to her.
Only to catch a line of fire come back my way.
Chapter 12
When the line of fire reaches Kaspian and Wilder, I swear I notice a smirk at one corner of Axe’s mouth when he hears shouts coming from the entrance to the corridor.
I’m noticing he enjoys surprising people in the worst of ways.
Axe nearly sent me out of my skin when he gripped my shoulder to pull me to a stop in the pitch black passageway. Not that I complained, since I responded to Wilder’s dare to enter first like a stubborn idiot. Something in me never wants Wilder to win at his dares, thus I traipsed into the unknown despite my current history of traps and gunshots with faux bravado.
So when Axe cautioned me to stay close while he flipped open a lighter from his pocket and held it to the wall, I did. His tiny flame illuminated a carved horizontal line spanning the corridor and I observed with interest as a combustible powder reacted to his flame and sent an impressive whoosh of fire lighting our way down.
And back.
I don’t realize I’m grinning, too, until it falls from my face the minute I behold Kaspian’s unbound fury, stoked by the orange line of fire along the wall. And Wilder positioned behind him, gun in one hand and knife in the other.
Kaspian’s rage ignites the shadows clinging to the corridor. A vein throbs at his temple. He stalks forward, fist balled at his side.
I backpedal, hands raised in supplication. “Kaspian, we didn’t mean to scare you?—”
Kaspian pounces, seizing Axe by his shirt’s collar and slamming him against the opposite wall. Pebbles rain on us at the impact. I look at the ceiling with worry. “Kaspian, stop.”
“You think this is fun?” Kaspian seethes, face inches from Axe’s inscrutable one. “Sneaking around in the dark, springing traps on each other?”
I have one foot forward, ready to intervene, but Wilder’s hand at my elbow stops my approach. He’s pocketed those weapons I never even knew he had and shakes his head slightly, watching the scene unfold while saying to me out the side of his mouth, “Let him get it out. Axe wants him to. He can handle it.”
Kaspian’s lip curls. He shoves Axe harder against the wall, then releases him with a disgusted headshake. Though his throat has become bright red with Kaspian’s chokehold, Axe stands strong, arms at his sides.
Kaspian rounds on me, jabbing a finger in my direction. “And you. Waltzing in first like a fool. Letting Wilder goad you into being an idiot.”
I lift my chin, meeting his glare. “I don’t let anyone goad me into anything. I make my own choices.”
Kaspian snorts. “Clearly.”
He spins on his heel and stalks down the corridor, the firelight casting his elongated shadow against the walls, storming behind him like his pet poltergeist.
Axe pushes away from the wall, hands balled at his sides. He still won’t massage the mark on his neck or even acknowledge it’s there.
“Guess Kaspian wants to be the leader,” Wilder says at my side.
I don’t respond. I’m watching Axe, trying to read his expression in the flickering light. His face is a veneer, but there’s a glint in his eye that I can’t place. Amusement? Anticipation?
He meets my gaze, and his mouth quirks, just for a moment. Then he turns and follows Kaspian into the depths of the corridor, leaving Wilder and me alone in the wavering firelight.
He regards me with a look that is part appraisal, part amusement, his lips curving into a faint, knowing smile that suggests he likes what he sees.
As he walks by, something about him feels different. Stronger, perhaps more focused and way less playful now that the threat of danger commanded his attention. His prowl is fluid and undeterred by the weapons I’m now aware he holds against his body.
“You okay?” he asks without looking back.
I scan our rocky surroundings while I resume walking. “Let’s just get this search over with.”
While continuing down the passageway, my feet scrapes against the uneven stone. I really should’ve worn shoes.
Ahead, Kaspian marches onward, his broad shoulders rigid with anger.