Page 30 of The Kidnapped
“That was a fast trip to the store,” Dylan noted.
“Like I went to the grocery store when you know I want that chicken Caesar salad.” She turned to Raleigh and Hollis before adding, “Hi. I’m Ada. I assume my wife was telling you stories about me.”
“I was telling them about Noah, babe,” Dylan said, wrapping her arm around the back of the booth.
“Ah, yeah,” Ada said, sobering. “Your daughter’s missing. I’m really sorry.”
“Thanks,” Raleigh replied.
“I can give you more time, if you need it,” Ada said to Dylan. “I can go pick up the salads and stuff.”
“I’m ordering a burger here. You can wait to eat, if you want,” Dylan said, smiling at her wife.
“Veggie burger?”
“Nope. I’m getting an all-beef burger, dripping with fat. I might even add bacon to it.”
“I wouldn’t risk it,” Hollis suggested. “If the coffee is this bad when all they have to do is add water, I don’t know that a burger with bacon is the best idea.”
“See? Salad for you tonight, Lieutenant,” Ada said, tugging on Dylan’s jacket.
“Raleigh, I’ll work this case, okay?” Dylan told her. “I’ll help however I can. But I don’t want you to get your hopes up.”
“I know. I get how this goes. Unfortunately, I’m used to it.”
“I wish I could say I didn’t know how you feel,” Ada said. “And if you ever want to talk, I can listen.”
“Ada’s a child-advocate attorney now,” Dylan added. “She went through this herself, but she’s also really good at her job, so she’d be a good person to talk to, if you need one.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that,” Raleigh replied.
“Well, we should get going,” Dylan spoke again. “I’ve got the files, like I said, and I’ll give you a call after I take a look at the pictures you sent so that we can arrange a time for a full interview.”
“Have a good night,” Dylan said.
The couple then stood and left the diner. Once they were gone, Hollis’s arm moved from behind Raleigh.
“Hey, Hollis?”
“Do you know more about what happened to Ada’s brother, Noah?”
“Yeah, I read the story. Why?”
“What happened to him?”
“I don’t know that that’s helpful for you right now, Raleigh. Come on. Let’s pay, and I’ll take you home.”
“Do you think that’s what’s going to happen to–”
“No, I don’t,” Hollis interrupted and took Raleigh’s hand. “Noah was a teenage boy. It’s totally different. Dylan’s going to help, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” Raleigh said somewhat unconvincingly.