Page 86 of The Kidnapped
“I told her we would just be sleeping tonight; that we could both use it.”
“My mother is trying to get me laid.”
Raleigh laughed and pointed out, “You didn’t tell her about us.”
“No, I hadn’t told her yet,” Hollis said, resting her head on her hand and propping her elbow up to look at Raleigh now.
“Why not? Should I be worried? Or am I just being paranoid because I don’t really know how to do this dating thing anymore?”
Hollis cupped Raleigh’s cheek then and replied, “You shouldn’t be worried. And you’re not being paranoid. I told her we’d gone on a date and that it hadn’t gone well but that I hadn’t been ready to talk about it. She’s pretty good at respecting my boundaries and privacy. I know she wants to ask more, but I’m an adult in my mid-thirties, so I think she feels like she needs to give me space, too. I hadn’t gotten around to telling her that we’d connected the other night and were now dating.”
“Connected, huh?” Raleigh smirked.
“Shut up,” Hollis said, laughing softly. “She had her appointment, and the doctor wanted to check her into the hospital for more tests, but she refused. I thought having the nurses here would help because they could administer–”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Raleigh said as Hollis continued to ramble off every worry she had these days. “Babe, it’s okay. I’m not upset with you for not telling her. I was teasing. Now, I think you could use a full eight hours tonight, so let’s get some sleep. I’ll be on Mom duty tonight, okay? If she needs something, I’ll get it. You stay asleep.”
“I can’t guarantee that will happen.”
“Can you at least try for me?” Raleigh asked.
“Yes. But as tired as I am, it’s just hard. I’m used to waking up now, so it just happens.”
“Can I help you get to sleep, at least?”
“How do you plan on doing that?”
“Same way I did the other night,” Raleigh said, lifting an eyebrow. “It worked so well the first time.”
“My mom is in the other room,” Hollis reminded, her cheeks flushing adorably.
“A quick one, then,” Raleigh replied. “Remember the first one? It was fast, and you just relaxed after that.”
“I remember all of it,” Hollis said as Raleigh climbed on top of her. “And we can just fall asleep. I don’t expect sex just because you’re staying over, Miss Leonard.” Hollis wrapped her arms around Raleigh’s neck.
“But I’m happy to offer my services to exceed your expectations, Miss Richardson,” she replied, leaning down and kissing Hollis slowly, just like they’d done in the kitchen before they’d gotten caught. “I love kissing you.”
“I love it, too,” Hollis replied right before Raleigh’s hand slipped into her shorts and underwear.
“And I love touching you,” Raleigh added, closing her eyes and pressing her forehead to Hollis’s.
“God…” Hollis let out softly. “I didn’t even know I needed this until you did.”
Raleigh stroked slowly as Hollis closed her eyes and opened her mouth. When her breathing grew faster, though, Raleigh took the hint and sped up her touches.
“Will you come for me?” she asked.
Hollis nodded, and Raleigh moved her fingers even faster. Hollis came then. She wasn’t loud in bed, that much Raleigh already knew. Raleigh, for her part, had never been as loud as she’d been the last time they’d been together. Her sore throat the next morning had been a welcomed surprise. As she watched Hollis come and then come down, though, she knew she liked the fact that Hollis was a quiet lover. There was something very peaceful in it for Raleigh about watching Hollis’s orgasms. Hollis was releasing everything in her body, and Raleigh got to be the one to help her do that.
“You’re so beautiful, babe,” she said, pressing a kiss to Hollis’s nose and then cheek. “So beautiful.”
“I want to touch–”
“Not tonight, okay? Sleep, Hollis.”
“But you–”
Raleigh kissed her and smiled down as she took in the now-tensionless face beneath her.