Page 35 of Meant For Love
“Exactly,” I say, slapping his shoulder. “Can you imagine that? It would not even be worth it.”
“Mom dropped you.” He points at me. “Must have dropped you on your head when you were a kid. Had to.”
I laugh and look over to find Zoey with Stone. “Got to go make sure my wife is okay.”
I don’t even wait for him to answer as I walk toward them, getting there just as he grabs her around her neck and gives her a hug. “Hey,” I call, looking around to see if I am going to be somehow attacked.
“Hey,” Zoey says, and I look over, seeing Ryleigh coming our way, “I was having a chat with my brother.” She lets him go and comes over to me, standing beside me. “Giving him shit for not even fighting for me.”
“I wasn’t going to hit him,” Stone counters. “I was just going to rough him up, but then who was going to contain my wife?”
“Contain your wife?” Ryleigh surprises him from behind. “Contain me?” She folds her arms over her chest. “If you had hit him, I would have gladly helped him press charges on you. And actually, represented him.”
“Gorgeous,” Stone sighs. “I think that’s like illegal or something.” He wraps his arms around her waist and brings her to him.
“Now, have you stopped being mad at her?” she asks him, putting a hand on his chest while he side-glares her. “Don’t give me that look, Stone Richards. She’s a grown woman.”
“She is,” Zoey cuts in, “and as much as I’m lucky to have a younger brother and then sad because you didn’t even take a swing at him, thank you for being in my corner.”
“See,” Ryleigh says, “now I’m going to go and take a nice bath and get ready for dinner. Are you joining me?”
“Eww,” Zoey says, “did you just ask him to go and do nasty things with you?”
Ryleigh looks at her. “You’re staying in the honeymoon suite. You don’t think that you’ll be having sex every single day, three times a day?”
Zoey gasps at the same time Stone groans, “I’m not.” He shakes his head.
I look down at Zoey. “We should also go and get ready for dinner.” I slide my hand in hers. “We’re full of salt and stuff.”
“Are my ears bleeding?” Stone asks Ryleigh as he turns and just leaves us on the beach, dragging Ryleigh with him.
“Are you okay?” I ask her, and she looks up at me, and I can see she is. There’s not an inch of sadness on her face.
“I am.” She smiles, her beautiful face just lighting up.
“Then my job is done.” I crinkle my nose. “At least for the next hour.”
“Baby, are you almost ready?” Nash shouts from the bedroom while I slip on my skirt. “I hear your cousins outside the door whispering, not really whispering, about if we are doing it.”
I laugh as I adjust the top of my skirt and then slip on my slides. “I would be ready if you hadn’t come in and taken a shower with me.” I rush out of the bathroom, seeing him lying on the bed, one leg on the floor, one leg off the bed, his white sneakers not touching the bed. His blue eyes seem even more blue with the little tan that he’s gotten in the past two days since we’ve been on vacation.
“Um.” He sits up, and my mouth waters when I look at him. His beard is longer than I’m used to seeing him with, but sexier. “You wearing any panties under that?” he asks of my skirt that goes to my mid-calf but is pulled up on my left hip with a huge slit showing most of my leg. The matching beige-colored, one-shoulder halter top completes the whole look.
“Of course I am.” I put my hand on my stomach to ignore the way it goes up and down like the soft waves in the ocean.
“Perfect.” He grins as he gets up, and I take him in. He’s wearing black shorts that look like they’ve been cut mid-thigh, but I know they probably cost over four hundred dollars to be cut like that. His shirt is bluish green, the top three buttons left open, showing you the tan chest that not too long ago was pressed up against me in the shower. The cuffs of his sleeves are rolled up until his elbows, his silver Rolex watch on his left wrist, and of course the wedding ring that he’s never, ever taken off. Not even to put sunscreen on. He walks the distance to me, putting his hands not on my hips but on the side of my ribs, where he can touch my skin. “I’m going to slide them to the side when I fuck you later.” I roll my eyes, pretending I didn’t just get wet with his words. “I like your hair like this.” He raises a hand into the back of my head, fisting it. “It’s wild and looks like you just woke up.”
“I had no time to do anything,” I inform him. “We literally got dressed in ten minutes. I didn’t even put on mascara.”
“I was done in five.” He kisses my lips. “And you don’t need makeup.” He slides his hand in mine and turns toward the front door. I can hear people outside our door as we get closer and closer, and when he opens it with his free hand, I see them all standing there. “Told you.”
“Finally,” Stone says. “We were standing here forever.”
“We got here two minutes ago.” Ryleigh smacks his abs. “And you were like ‘ewww, they’re probably doing it.’” She looks at him. “It.” She tries not to laugh at the word he was using but can’t help it, and all he can do is glare at her.