Page 11 of One Last Time
We’re standing on the deck of her beach house that she’s letting me stay in. It has to be the most perfect house I have ever seen. I honestly would love to own a house by the beach. It’s peaceful and perfect. I’ve been able to relax here, and that’s something I never thought possible.
“Next year,” I reply cautiously, wondering why she’s asking.
This weekend has been amazing, probably the best photoshoot that I’ve ever had. It was to promote the new swimwear that Bennato has lined up for the summer. The photographer and the team, along with Isabella were amazing. They made sure that I was at ease throughout the entire weekend.
The photoshoot was tasteful, fun, and energetic. Just what Isabella had wanted. I, along with three guys and two other girls, had the best time. During this photoshoot, I finally found someone, who was like me; that was normal, and didn’t act pretentious and wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Bianca is my type of girl, she says what she thinks, and she doesn’t care what others think of her. She’s not stick thin like the others, but she’s gorgeous, perfect in fact. Her body is to die for. I hope that today isn’t the only day we’ll be in shoots together. It’ll be nice to have someone else with me.
“That’s good, I have big plans for my company, Payton. Not only do I, but my Mamma does for hers, and I’m pretty certain that we’ll be fighting over your time.” She grins when I frown, what does her mom have to do with this? “My Mamma saw you in action, and just as I did, she fell in love. Once you’re eighteen, Payton, you’re going to be in demand.”
I can only stare at her in shock. In demand? I don’t think so. I’m not like the other models.
She laughs, and it’s like a tinkle. Crap, did I say that out loud? “You are beautiful. You are kind, and most of all Payton, you are down to earth. Another thing about you is that you understand that this life is special. The beauty you hold is incomparable, and you don’t even recognize your worth.”
I’m not really sure what to say; this opportunity that she’s given me is something that was only a dream. Working for Isabella has been an experience that I will never forget. “Thank you.” I sound lame, but there’s nothing I can say that will express my gratitude to her.
“The pleasure was all mine.” She glances down at her watch, the diamonds shining brightly in the sun. “Your family will be here soon. Have a wonderful week, enjoy your downtime. Once these pictures get out, your life is going to change.” She pulls me into her arms and squeezes me, “Don’t ever change, bellissima.”
“Thank you for everything, Isabella.” I tell her once we pull apart.
She laughs again, that tinkle louder this time. “I’ll see you soon.”
Just as Isabella leaves, I hear Mary squeal, and I turn to watch them running toward me. Tyler and Mary trying to be the fastest to reach me, poor Sebastian trailing behind but also has a smile on his face. And watching us all is Dahlia, the love in her eyes is shining brightly.
Happiness, that’s all that I can see on their faces and for the first time since my parents died, I feel as though we’re a family.
“Pay!” Mary yells as she slams into my body, my arms instantly go around her. God, I’ve missed her.
When my parents were alive, I used to be annoyed that my siblings would constantly be around me. I was never given any privacy, and now, well now I wish to have those days back. The days where all three of them would run into my room just to wake me up.
“Hey you, have you been good?” Last week, she had a meltdown while at school; she had to do a family tree, and it got to her. Not that I blame her, I cried listening to Dahlia tell me what happened.
“Yeah, I’m just so excited to see you. You’ve been gone for ages.”
I laugh at her exaggeration. “You’ve spoken to me every day, how are you not fed up already?”
Her arms tighten around me, “I’ll never be.”
“Hey, my turn,” Tyler tells as he pulls Mary from me. I don’t give him a chance, my arms scoop him up into a huge bear-hug and I hold him tight. Out of all of my siblings, Tyler is the least affectionate. So whenever he gives me an indication that I can hold him, I do. “Missed you,” he says low, so low that I barely hear him, but I do.
“I missed you too. Love you, Ty.”
“Back at you,” he responds, and I’m not hurt that he hasn’t said the words. Since our parents died, he hasn’t told anyone that he loves them.
I release him and kneel down so Sebastian can get in on the action. My baby brother is the sweetest little boy in the world, he’s always okay with me holding him. “Have you grown again?” I ask as I hold him at arm’s length, his face lights up. “You have!” I exclaim. “You have to stop growing, soon you’ll be taller than me.”
He giggles. “I’m going to be taller than Silas,” he tells me, and my heart erupts in pain.
“My turn,” Dahlia says, pulling me into her body as she tries to move away from the mention of my ex. “How were the photoshoots?”
“Amazing,” I reply. “Isabella is so sweet, and the shoot was the best.”
Dahlia smiles. “There she is,” she whispers. I frown glancing around me, there who is? “You, I was wondering when you were going to come out of your shell. You had been so determined to follow Silas and his dream that you lost yourself, Pay. It’s good to see you’re starting to find you again.”
Heat rises in my cheeks at her words, but they’re true. I was going to give up everything to follow Silas and his dream.
“Have you eaten yet?” I ask, needing to change the subject away from me.
“Yes, we had something on the plane,” Dahlia tells me. “The kids want to spend some time on the beach.”