Page 16 of One Last Time
“Thank you.”
I wasn’t just worried about Dahlia’s reaction to the photos, I’m worried about Silas’. I know I shouldn’t be, he’s not given me a second thought, but I can’t help it. With every decision I make, he’s in the back of my mind, and I wonder what he’d think; would he be proud of me? I’m just scared that he’ll see the pictures and hate me.
I’ve kept up to date with him, and I’m so proud. He’s at Seattle Silverbacks just as he told me that he would. He survived the cut as did his team-mates that were in college with him, and I’ve watched him live a few times, much to Bianca’s annoyance. She thinks that I should forget about him and move on. But the pain that I feel at the mere thought of moving on with someone else has me banishing the idea. I’m still in love with him, and until I’m not, I can’t move on.
Dahlia’s words pull me back from my thoughts of Silas. “I’m so proud of you. You’ve achieved something others only dream of. I know this wasn’t what you had set out to do in life, but it shows me who the real you is. You give everything you have, no matter what you do.”
My eyes fill with tears, God, she always manages to turn me into mush. “Do you have any plans for Christmas?” I want to spend it with them, but Bianca doesn’t get along with her family, and I don’t want her to have a crappy one.
“Yes, you are coming home.” There’s a bite to her tone, it’s a demand.
I laugh, “Of course I am, I was wondering if there was room for one more?”
“Of course, tell Bianca that she’s always welcome here. Where are you jetting off to next?”
“At the moment, nowhere. We’ve got the catwalk to do this weekend. Then next week, I have a shoot with Diamantello. Followed by a shoot with Angelina again, she wants me to be the face of her lingerie brand. I’m excited because being the face of Serafini lingerie is a coveted spot.” I’m giddy with excitement as I tell her my plans for the coming weeks.
All models want to be the face of Serafini fashion, whether it be the lingerie, the sportswear, or just the season campaigns that Angelina does. And she chose me. That’s a huge ego boost, along with a major career jump.
“I can’t believe you’re going to walk the runway as a Tiger. Does that mean you get a discount?”
I laugh, “I’m not sure, but Aunt Dahlia, if you want them, I’ll get them for you.”
She tuts, “You’ll do no such thing, young lady.”
Too late, I’ve already planned on getting her some for her Christmas present. Mary has also made noises about getting some too.
“I was wondering if you could get Bethan to babysit this weekend?” I ask. I have a surprise if she can get Bethan to do it.
Bethan has been Dahlia’s friend for years and has been a huge support for her when we all came to live with Dahlia; she still is. Whenever Dahlia has to work, Bethan is on hand to ensure the kids have food and have their homework done. I also have a special gift for her for Christmas, I may not have been around in a while, but Bethan is a big part of our family.
“Yes, I’m sure she could, why?” Her confusion is clear to hear.
“I have tickets for both you and Mary to come to the Tiger Fashion show.”
Being a Tiger is different than being a catwalk model. The photo shoots for the Tiger campaign are intense, even more so than any other I’ve been a part of. We’re to prioritize all Tiger events ahead of the rest, and if there were a conflict to arise, Tiger campaigns take precedent. Luckily, I have Jerald, who schedules my calendar and knows what a lucrative job being a Tiger is. So he’s schedules accordingly, working closely with the Tiger’s campaign planner to ensure there’s no clashes.
“Really?” she gasps.
“Yes, really, so what do you say?”
She’s crying now, her breath hitching every few seconds. “I get to see you, of course I’m there. Oh, Payton, thank you,” she says once she’s able to get herself under control.
“I can’t wait to see you and Mary.” I know the boys are going to be pissed, but I do try and get home once a month if I can. It’s been hard on us all being away from each other, but I talk to them a few times a week. Since I’ve been away from home, the four of us have become a hell of a lot closer. I have a new found love for them all, and I’d do anything to make them happy.
“We can’t wait to see you too. Oh, and they have no idea that you’re coming home for Christmas,” Dahlia says, and I smile, this is even better. “They’re not very happy, as you can imagine.”
“I’ll whine about having to work to Mary while you’re both here.”
She laughs, “Good, because that’s all they’ve been asking is for you to be home.”
Honestly, that’s all I want too. I want to spend as much time with them as I can. Every time I return home everything's different from the last, Sebastian is growing like a weed, Tyler is turning into a teenager, and Mary is stunning, she’s sixteen going on sixty. I’m missing so much, but I know that when they want to go to college or to travel, that they can without any worries.
The money that I’ve made from the last deal with Serafini has set up Mary’s college fund, she can go to any college she wants for as long as she wants. The money I’ve made with the recent deal with Tiger has set up Tyler’s, and I’ve got half of what I need in Sebastian's. I’ve also set up my nest egg, I want to buy a house, a huge big house that is on the beach. One day, I’ll get to live that dream.
The front door opens, and I turn to see Bianca walking in, her long black hair straight and hangs down past her breasts, she’s got a beautiful bright smile on her face, and her bright blue eyes sparkle. Someone is in a good mood.
“Let me know what Bethan says, and you’ll be staying with Bee and I,” I tell Dahlia, and Bee nods; we had already discussed it. I was happy to put them up in a hotel, but Bianca wasn’t having any of it. We have a spare room, with no intentions of sub-letting, and it’s empty for this exact reason, when family comes to town.