Page 24 of One Last Time
She smiles, “I missed you too.” She looks at me with so much love that it makes my heart fucking hurt. God, how the hell did I get so lucky with this woman? “Please don’t hurt me again,” she pleads softly.
“I won’t,” I promise her and I have no intention of doing so.
“Yo, Si, where you at, man?” I hear Cas’ voice, and I groan. Fucking cock-blocker.
I pull out of her, and she winces. I quickly tuck myself in, and just in the nick of time. Cas strolls around the corner. I pull her so that she’s hidden from view. “Come on, baby, I’ll take you home.”
She opens her mouth to protest, so I slam my lips against hers. “Home, baby,” I growl as my cock starts to harden again. “I’ll just drop you off at the door, and I’ll be back in the morning.” I swallow hard at the fear I see in her eyes. “I love you.” I have to tell her, I have to let her know.
I pull her with me as we walk toward Caston. The fucker is glaring at me as though I’ve done something wrong. “Jesus Christ. What the fuck, man? Again? I thought you stopped this shit?” He snarls, and it takes everything in me not to punch him. “Seriously?” He grouses when he realizes that someone’s with me.
“What the fuck?” I growl, Payton tenses behind me. She’s still hidden from his view.
“You and your random women. When the fuck are you going to stop screwing them?” He shakes his head. “Shit.” He scrubs his head when Payton comes into view.
“Um, hi,” she says softly with a beautiful smile. She tries to pull her hand away from mine. “Silas, I need to call my friend,” she tells me, and this time, I let go of her hand when she tugs.
“The damn alley?” Caston raises a brow.
I shrug. “She was leaving.” It’s my only explanation. I couldn’t let her go again.
“Now you have to make sure you hold onto her. I love Saya, there’s no one else for me. But I’m not blind. Payton is gorgeous, but she’s also insecure. The groupies will pounce on that, not to mention her line of work, she’s going to have a lot of male attention. Can you handle that?”
Fuck, he’s right. Those groupies are ruthless, their only dream is to marry a player. Tomorrow, we’ll sort everything out. Tonight, I’m basking in the fact that I’ve got my girl back.
He’s here. I can’t believe that we’re actually in close proximity. He’s so much more intense, than I remember. But the feelings I’ve felt for him came rushing back with just a touch. Being with him feels right, feels like it’s meant to be. But there’s so much hurt between us that I’m not sure if we will ever get to the place where we were. I’m not even certain if I want to, we’ve both changed a lot. I’m not the girl that he fell in love with.
I don’t think about the fact that we’ve just had sex in a freaking alleyway. Damn, if anyone saw that, it could do a lot of damage. Shit. Now, I’m going to be in limbo to see if anyone saw us. If they did, I’m going to have to call Jerald and see if he can do damage control.
Silas is talking quietly with his friend, and I wait for Bianca to exit the club. She told me when I called that she was talking to a guy, she didn’t sound happy and was relieved when I called. I can’t help but keep my eyes on the exit of the club. I’m finally able to breathe a sigh of relief when I see her coming toward me.
“Go to hell,” she says, pulling her arm from the grip the guy behind her has on it. “I’ve told you three times already, leave me alone.”
I move toward her, managing to evade Silas’ hand as he tries to reach for me. “What’s wrong?” I ask her as soon as I’m close to her.
“This asshole doesn’t seem to know what no means.” She huffs as she crosses her arms over her chest. Even though she’s acting tough, I can see the tears in her eyes.
“What did he do?” I demand, needing to know what the asshole has done to upset her.
“He actually had the balls to tell me that he couldn’t believe I was a model. His words were, and I quote. “I thought models were thin.” Then he tried backpedaling. Payton, meet Tate Hemmington.”
The asshole who never called her after they met at the gym. I step in front of her, blocking him from looking at her. “It’s time for you to go.”
“What’s going on?” Silas asks, coming to stand between Tate and I.
“Nothing,” Tate growls. “Just stupid, fucking women acting crazy.”
“Watch how you fucking talk about her,” Silas snarls as he moves closer to me, his hand going to my nape, and he caresses it.
Tate’s eyes widen, “Fucking hell. Is that Payton?”
I glance at Silas, how does he know who I am?
“Yep,” Silas’ friend says with a smile. “And I take it that this is her friend, Bianca?”