Page 4 of One Last Time
“Perfect.” It’ll be like having mom and dad on each side of us. “We’ll all help plant them.”
“We’ll do it when we come home from Seattle,” she says as she closes the laptop lid. “I’ll order the pizzas, why don’t you pack for tomorrow?”
I grin, unable to contain my excitement. “Will do,” I say as I rush out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
Once I’m in my room, I lie on my bed and grab my cell, I see that I have a missed call and a text from Silas. I open up the message and read it.
Silas: Hey, baby, I just called because I wanted to hear your voice. I’m going in for a meeting now, I’ll talk to you later. Love you.
Damn, I missed him. I quickly fire off a reply.
Me: Sorry I missed you, I was talking with Dahlia. My cell was on my bed. I miss you. Love you.
Once I’ve done that, I text Silas’ sister Eloise, I need his address so that I can surprise him tomorrow. Eloise and I were friends when I lived in Grand Folks, we still talk a few times a week, sometimes I feel as though I speak more to her than I do to Silas. I’m not left waiting long, she replies with his address and tells me to have fun.
“Pay,” Sebastian yells as his feet pound up the stairs. I smile at hearing the happiness in his voice. “Pay, we’re having pizza,” he tells me as he climbs onto my bed and lies down beside me.
“We are?” I say in a gasp as I widen my eyes, he giggles at me. “What kind of pizza are we having?”
“I don’t know.” He pouts. “Bethan is staying with us tomorrow.”
I nod. “Yep, are you excited?”
He lays his head on my stomach, and I run my hand through his hair, and he sighs, “Yeah, I like Bethan. You’re not going to be here, are you?”
“No, I’m going to see Silas. I’ll only be gone for a few days.”
“You promise?” I look down at him in confusion, my hand still running through his hair. “Promise you’ll come back.” He sounds so small, so uncertain, and it makes my heart ache.
“I promise. I’m not leaving you.” I hold him close to me. Today has me realizing just how far I’ve become unattached to my family. I’ve hurt them a lot by hiding. It needs to stop, we’ve all been through a lot, and I can’t keep hurting them anymore.
“Pay, calm down,” Dahlia says with a laugh. “It’s good to see you so happy.”
I’m so nervous as I look out the window. I’m trying to take everything in, but at the same time, not really seeing anything. “I am so happy. After our talk yesterday, I finally began to see things clearly,” I say as we grow closer to Silas’ house. Thanks to Eloise, I’ve been able to get his address as well as keep it quiet from him.
I apologized to my siblings last night, they needed me, and I wasn’t there for them. Mary shrugged me off, acting as though it didn’t affect her, but the way her eyes flashed with anger told me otherwise. Tyler, much like Sebastian hugged me, making sure that I’d return home tomorrow. How did I not see they were still worried that we’d leave? I wouldn’t do that to them, I love them, and I would do anything to ensure they’re okay.
Dahlia reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze before putting her hand back on the steering wheel. “When things get tough, you have to remember that you’re not alone. You have me.” Her words finally reach me, she tried for so long to get to my heart, but it was closed off. After our talk yesterday, I’ve been able to get past the fogginess that’s been clouding my brain. I’m grateful that she never gave up.
She pulls up to the curb in front of a two story, house. As I look at it, I see it’s a hell of a lot bigger than what I thought it would be. He told me before that he shares it with the guys on the team. It’s a lot fancier than what I imagined football housing would look like. It’s painted a dark purple on the outside, with gold trim. The colors of the University of Washington team. It looks amazing, and I can only imagine what the inside looks like. The more I stare at the house, the more my stomach flips as my nerves get worsen.
One thing is for certain, I can’t wait to see him again; it’s been way too long. I’ve never been as happy as I am right now, of course that will change when I’m in his arms.
“Text me when you’re inside, and I’ll leave. Then you call me when you want me to pick you up,” she says. I want to roll my eyes at her tone, she sounds like a mom dropping her kid off on a date. “Seriously, Pay, please?”
I lean over the center console and give her a hug, I hear the sharp intake of breath before she pulls me in closer. “Thank you,” I whisper as I pull away.
“You’re welcome, Pay.” She gives me a small smile and throws me a quick wink.
I push the car door open and wave goodbye to her. My breathing quickens as I move toward the front door. I lift my hand to knock, but see the doors slightly open. “Silas? Hello?” I call out, but there’s no reply.
I walk into the house, something in my gut is screaming at me to not go any further, to turn around and run, but I don't. This is Silas. The man that I love. There’s nothing to fear, he’ll never do anything to hurt me.
I hear his deep voice and follow the sound. The air around me is static. That feeling in my gut intensifies, I stumble a step as my heart races once again.