Page 6 of One Last Time
“You’re not going to tell me what that was about?” I ask once we’re inside of the car.
“I’m still trying to wrap my head around it myself. He is part of a modeling agency, and wants you to be one of their models. He wanted to talk to me as your guardian to have my consent.”
I stare at her in shock, “What?”
She laughs, “Yeah, that was my first reaction too. He seemed pretty serious. When we get back to the hotel, I’m going to check the company out, but he sounded legitimate.”
I lean my head back against the chair, “Wow. This isn’t something that I’ve ever thought of before.”
“You’re beautiful, Pay, if you want this, we’ll make this happen. I’ll back you one hundred percent.”
I sigh, “I don’t know, hell, I don’t know what I want to do anymore. All my dreams are gone. Every dream I had was with Silas. I was supposed to marry him and live happily ever after. That’s all dashed now.”
Her face gets tight, and anger flashes in her eyes. “Listen to me, Payton, a woman can have dreams too. You are worth more than being someone who gives up everything to follow a man’s dream. Yes, we can stand by him as he reaches it, but we’ve also got to have something for us to reach for.”
“I don’t know what I want,” I tell her honestly.
“Then, baby, it’s time to start thinking. You need to put yourself first. Think about the offer today.”
“We’ll see if they’re legit first, and then I’ll decide,” I say and close my eyes. Dahlia’s right, it’s time to think about myself and what I want. Maybe modeling is the way to go?
“Yo, Miller.” I turn at Caston’s voice, he’s one of the linebackers for the University of Washington team. “Are you partying tonight?”
I sigh as I lean against the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee in my hand. I had hoped that I would get to talk to Payton today, but she’s didn’t answer any of my text messages, which is really unusual. “Not sure yet.”
Today is the first time I have not spent her birthday with her. Usually, we would spend the day hanging out, going to the movies and chilling before she spends the evening with her family. This is the first birthday without her parents, without me. The messages I have sent to her today haven't been answered. I'm not sure what's going on; it’s unlike her.
I know things haven’t been right between us the last couple of months. With college and football, I’ve been busy which means, my time is limited. Yet when I’m finally free, Pay’s either busy or she’s in bed. I feel as though we’re drifting apart. As soon as this semester is over, I’m heading to Portland. I need to spend some time with my girl.
He gives me a nod, “Good, you talk to your girl today?”
Everyone knows about Payton, I’ve been non-stop talking about her since I’ve arrived here. The groupies have made it quite clear that they want me, but I’m not that type of guy. I fucking love Payton and would never do anything to jeopardize what I have with her.
“Messaged her this morning,” I reply, leaving out that she hasn’t responded.
He grins, “Good, hopefully now you can relax some.”
I bring the mug to my lips to stop me from replying. Caston is my friend, he’s the only one who knows me inside out. He too, has a girlfriend, Saya. She, like Payton, isn’t here, and it’s fucking hard not having them around.
A door closes upstairs, and it’s soon followed by giggling. Caston’s eyes widen, “Oh shit, she’s still here?”
I frown, “Who?”
He shakes his head. “Fucking Julia.”
Damn, that girl is a viper. She’s made it clear her dream is to snag a football player. She doesn’t care who, all she wants is to become a wife of a player. Most of the guys are steering clear of her whenever she’s around, but there’s a few that don’t care, they’ll just fuck her and be done.
“Who’s she with this time?” This is the fifth time in two weeks she’s been here, and each time she’s here, she’s with a different guy.
“Tate.” He shakes his head, “He and Kayley had a fight.”
“A fight?” Fuck, when Kayley finds out about this, it’s going to be more than a fight. “Damn, the sooner she works her way through the other guys, the better.”
He chuckles, “Yeah, then she can get the fuck out of here.”