Page 19 of Mating their Omega
My wolf purred, and the sensation of her skin pressed to mine felt so good I wanted to join him.
I stole glances at her as we wound through the house. Golden curls cascaded down her back, and thick brown lashes brushed her rosy cheeks as she studied our den with wide chocolate eyes. The slight upturn of her nose, the little dimple on her chin . . . Goddess, she was more lovely than I ever could have imagined.
It was hard to believe that only a day ago, she was unconscious in a medical bay.
She had a healthy flush of color now, but as I cast an assessing sweep over her body, I noticed she was far too thin.
“Why did you—”
“Have you—”
We looked at each other and laughed as our words tangled together.
“You first,” she said.
“No, you first. I insist,” I countered.
The rosy blush staining her cheeks made her look younger—more innocent. “I mean . . . I was just wondering something.”
I gave her an encouraging nod.
“Theron gave me heat suppressants today. Why?”
I paused. “Did you not want them?” I asked carefully.
I was under the impression that she wasn’t ready to go through her heat cycle with us. Was I wrong?
“I did,” she said, her blush intensifying. “But I don’t understand why you guys gave them to me so easily. Don’t you want to mate me?”
I searched her eyes, trying to make sense of her question.
“Of course we want to mate you. Any red-blooded shifter male would want to after getting a whiff of your scent. However, our wants have nothing to do with yours. You may be our mate, but it’s still your body.”
Myla looked down, embarrassment, sadness, and shame bleeding into her scent.
I crooked a finger beneath her chin and raised her head. Our eyes clashed.
The rapid beat of her pulse fluttered against my finger.
“We will only take what is freely given,” I said, urging her to understand. “Nothing more.”
Her brows dipped, but her eyes glimmered with hope. “I believe you.”
I slipped my hand from her chin and showed her the rest of our den. When we reached the top floor, I pointed out our bedroom and private bathroom. There were five smaller rooms and another full-sized bathroom down the hall.
We used the smaller rooms as pseudo-closets, allowing us to keep the bedroom clutter-free.
“Wait . . . there’s only one bedroom?” Myla asked, alarmed. “Where did you guys sleep last night?”
“The entertainment room,” I said.
“Goddess, I’m so sorry.”
I shrugged. “We wanted to put you at ease. It’s not a big deal.”
“It is.” She swayed from side to side. “Umm . . . tonight, I think . . . I think I want you guys back in the bed.”
My eyes widened with disbelief. “The bed . . . with you. Are you sure?”