Page 1 of Bought For Us
Chapter 1
Age 14
It’s like something from a fairytale. Every time I see this place, I think I’m dreaming. That I’m going to wake up and none of it is going to be real. Like how is someone like me going to be living in a place that looks like it’s fit for royalty?
“Cora. Would you please help me out with that box,” my dad shouts, snapping me out of the awe I feel as I stare up at this massive house.
“Yeah, sorry.” I shake my head and grab the box from the trunk.
Today we’re moving into my new stepmom’s house. She’s a really nice woman with a sweet smile and a kind voice. I knew I liked her from the moment I met her. She’s every girl’s dream mother.
Not that I’d know what it would feel like to have a mom. Mine passed away when I was too young to remember her. All I know about her is that my dad loved her, but she loved drugs more than us.
He raised me with the help of my grandparents but not long after my tenth birthday, they passed away, leaving my dad to raise a teenage girl all on his own.
For the most part it wasn’t too bad. Dad’s job makes him good money, so we’ve been pretty well off. I haven’t wanted for anything.
Okay, that's a lie. A part of me always had that need for a mom. Someone to talk to about everything I’ve been going through.
I’m a fourteen, almost fifteen-year-old teenage girl. No girl wants to have the ‘where do babies come from and why am I bleeding; am I dying?’ talk with their dad. Especially not someone like mine. He’s not a bad guy or anything, we’ve just never been close. We don’t talk about anything personal, I hardly even know what he does for work.
My life consists of going to school, hanging out with my friends, and boys. All typical things for a teenage girl.
At least it was until my dad made us move two states over. Now I’m heading into 10th grade at a new school, new home, new everything.
While this house is nice and so is my stepmom, I didn’t want to move.
“Cora, honey,” Rose says as she comes down the stairs. Her brown hair is pulled up in a messy bun. This is the first time I’ve seen her so casual. Usually she’s dressed in name brand dresses that cost more than the average car.
But today she’s in leggings and an off shoulder sweater.
A smile takes over my face. She has that effect on you. You can’t help but feel good whenever she’s in the room.
“Your room is all ready for you. It’s the top floor, take a right, last door on the left.”
“Okay.” I nod and head up the stairs. When I get to the top, I take a look down and see Rose and my dad embracing each other.
They look happy, in love. I’m glad for them. I’ve never seen my dad like this. Maybe, maybe, she can change him. Maybe she’s the answer to getting the dad I’ve always wanted.
Shaking my head out of those silly thoughts, I head down the hallway to the door Rose mentioned.
“Wow,” I whisper to myself, eyes widening as I step inside the room.
It’s nothing like my old one, that's for sure. No posters on the wall, no single bed in the corner, not a fuzzy rug next to it.
No, this one is fancy. But it’s also the perfect rich girl teenage room. A queen size bed sits against the right wall. It’s got a white diamond cushioned headboard. A cream-colored bed set with a beige throw blanket lying across the bottom.
At the foot, there’s a white-cushioned bench. The windows are draped with light gray elegant drapes. But the thing that catches my eye the most is the stunning crystal chandler.
Slowly, I make my way deeper into the room and place my box on the bed. Forgetting about helping dad with anything else, I check out the closet. “Holy shit.” My eyes widen as lights turn on when I open the door, revealing a huge walk in closet. It’s almost as big as my old room. Who would have enough clothes to fill this thing?
I know I sure as heck don’t. I maybe have four boxes of clothes. I used to have a bunch, but I didn’t wear them. Why keep things when it’s just going to sit there and never get worn?
Shaking my head, I step out of the closet.