Page 10 of Bought For Us
Normally, I get a thrill from her defiance, but now is not the fucking time to push my buttons. There’s only so much one man can fucking take. “Now, Kimmy.”
She stares at me for a moment and scowls. “You’re no fun.” Kimmy pouts.
“Good to know. Now, let’s go.” I growl.
I’m not trying to be a dick, but Kimmy is past the stage where she cares what's going on around her and I need to get them home before she starts taking her clothes off.
Last time that happened, I ended up breaking some dickhead's nose.
They’ve had enough to drink for the night and stayed a lot longer than most people.
“Sorry, boys.” Kimmy sighs dramatically. “Dad said it’s time to go home.”
“Haha,” I deadpan.
Cora is quiet, her bright blue eyes watching me nervously.
“Wanna get your hands off her ass now?” I snarl at Finn.
“If she doesn’t care, it’s none of your business,” he says back.
Thankfully, Cora steps out of his hold and looks at me like she’s been caught doing something wrong.
Cora hates when people get mad at her. Her eyes fill with tears and I deflate. I don’t want to upset her. “Ready to go?”
She bites her lower lip and nods, eyes hazy from the alcohol.
Grabbing Cora and Kimmy’s wrists, I pull them through the crowd and out of the house. The cold summer night air hits us but the girls are too drunk to care about the temperature, dressed in tight dresses that just barely cover their asses.
To say I wasn’t impressed when they showed up here together, after getting dressed at Kimmy’s house, was an understatement.
I hate the idea of other guys watching and thinking inappropriate things about them.
Still to this day, Cora is quiet and shy despite having Kimmy for a free spirited friend. She doesn’t like the attention on her and hates big crowds. So I’m sure Kimmy had a field day that she got Cora to agree to come to the end of summer bash.
I hate that they’re going into their final year of school, and I can’t be there with them. I graduated a few months ago and start business school in the fall. It’s local, so I’ll still be around all the time. Just not where I can keep an eye on them, to keep them out of trouble. Okay, to keep Kimmy out of trouble and from dragging Cora into it.
Kimmy is a wild one. She says what she means and never holds back. Blunt and honest. Not always appreciated by others, but I like it.
Cora, on the other hand, is softer, sweet. Her smile can light up a room. She’s a genuine person.
“I’m hungry,” Kimmy grumbles as we walk towards the car. “Can we stop at McDonald’s on the way home?”
“No,” I tell her.
“So you're just going to let me starve?” she huffs. “Some friend you are.”
“You're drunk and your dramatic self is showing.”
Opening the car door, Kimmy slides in.
I’m about to help Cora in when I find her standing there, eyes wide and face pale. “I don’t feel so good,” Cora groans.
“Cora, are you okay?”
She shakes her head. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
I shoot Kimmy a glare. “You two drank way too much tonight. You're a bad influence on Cora. You know she’s a lightweight.”