Page 15 of Bought For Us
After the night I confessed my love in my partly drunken state, things were strained between us. I couldn’t look him in the eyes for weeks. We hardly talked. I thought for sure he wanted nothing to do with me anymore.
But after a while, things slowly went back to normal. We started talking again, hanging out. Everything felt good. For the most part.
There was always this little part of me reminding me that he brushed my confession under the rug, never to bring it up again.
Not that I can blame him. I’m his step-sister, I put him in an odd position that almost cost me our friendship. I was a foolish lovesick girl.
And while my feelings for Zack haven’t really changed, I’ve never brought that night up again.
Things between me and Zack aren't the only changes that have come between our friend group.
Over the past year, I’ve been developing feelings for another person that’s off limits. Why, of all the people who could steal my heart, does it have to be two of my best friends?
I don’t even know when my attraction to Kimmy started, but I found myself unable to keep my eyes off her, hanging on her every word. Eager to be around her, to spend time with her.
At first, I told myself it’s because she’s my best friend. Of course I’d care a lot about her.
That was before the dreams started. Dreams that left me breathless and a fire in my lower belly.
After the first dream, I started paying more attention to the smaller things. The way she laughs, how she looked when she smiled, the way she licked a damn popsicle.
Before long, I realized I was utterly and truly fucked. Because I was head over heels for not one, but two people. Two people I can never have.
With what happened with Zack, I don’t dare tell Kimmy how I feel. Mostly because she’s straight. If she isn’t, she’s never mentioned anything to me.
How horrifying would it be to tell her how I feel and make her uncomfortable. To have her hate me and never want to see me again.
No, no, she can’t know.
We’re going to college soon. I’ll meet someone new. Someone who will help me forget all about my feelings for them.
I mean, here's to wishful thinking.
The music is making my head pound and I’m starting to get hot. I wanted to leave a while ago, but I’ve done my best not to be a downer. It’s Kimmy’s birthday weekend and she’s thrown a massive party for herself. I couldn’t say no, I’d never miss this.
I’m also the only one not drinking. At first, it was fun. We danced and hung out for most of the night. But then she started drinking, and onceKimmy is tipsy there’s no holding her down.
I lost track of her about a half hour ago, retreating to a dark corner to read my book on my phone.
Now, I want to leave. It’s late and also a school night.
“Hey, Cor. Where are you going?” Tyler says, appearing in my path as I head to look for Kimmy to say goodbye.
“Hey, Ty.” I give him a smile. “Not really feeling the best. I’m gonna find Kimmy and head home.”
“What? No!” Tyler pouts. “Come on, stay. Have a drink and dance with me. It is my birthday too after all.”
Tyler is a good looking guy. Someone I might find myself into at my old school. He’s nice, kind and funny. I also think he may like me?
I could be wrong, but he’s been paying more attention to me the past few months, joining Zack when we all hang out as a group. I’ve gotten to know him a lot better and I can see why Zack is friends with him. And it’s been nice to add another friend to my small list of close people.
“I would. I really would. But it’s late and a school night.”
“Leave it to my sister to plan a party on a school night.” He rolls his eyes. “But, the party is pretty epic.”
I nod and look around at the sea of people. It’s bigger than the usual parties Kimmy drags me to.
“Come on. I’ll help you find her.” He says, grabbing my hand.