Page 17 of Bought For Us
“Zack!” says a booming voice. I look over to see a man rush over and pull Zack off my father. “What the hell are you doing?”
Zack pulls himself away from the man. “This son of a bitch had the fucking balls to get pissed off at mom when she found out he was cheating on her. As if it was her fucking fault.”
What? Why would my dad ever do something like that? Rose is an amazing woman, a good mom and she’s gorgeous.
“Look, I get you're protective of your mother, but that doesn’t give you the right to put your hands on another person. We’ve talked about this, Zack. You're already on thin ice from the last time.”
Last time? When did Zack hurt another person physically? I know he’s gotten into some verbal altercations with some guys at school, but I’ve never seen him put his hands on them.
“Dad, you don’t fucking get it. He got in mom’s face, he grabbed her by the arm and yelled at her. There’s a fucking red mark.”
This is Zack’s dad? I’ve never met the guy in the years I’ve known Zack. Felt like it was weird, seeing how my dad is married to the man's ex wife.
Wait, my dad left a mark on Rose? Anger rises inside me as I look at my dad. I don’t even know this man anymore. He’s changed a lot over the past few years. It was as if he forgot about parenting after he married Rose, like he wanted her to take over for him.
Not that I think she minded. I didn’t need to be watched over, but Rose made sure I had everything I needed. She was a shoulder to cry on, someone to bake and cook with and to just sit and talk. A friend. A mother. Something I’ve never had before.
I hate my dad for hurting the only woman who’s ever loved me. I hate him for hurting her the way he did.
Zack’s dad looks at mine with a murderous glare. “You fucking what?”
“Oh, don’t act all high and fucking mighty,” my dad spits. “I know why the two of you got divorced. You're not any better.”
Zack’s dad grinds his jaw. “I might be a bastard for the things I’ve done, but I’ve never once put my hands on a woman, let alone my wife.”
“She’s my fucking wife,” my dad shouts.
“Not for long,” Rose says, wrapping her arms around herself. “I’m leaving for a few hours. I want you gone by the time I get back.”
My heart sinks. No. No no no. This isn’t happening.
“If you’re not gone by then, I’ll have a police officer waiting to throw your ass in fucking jail,” Zack growls.
I watch as a crying Rose leaves, her ex-husband's arm wrapped around her shoulder while he guides Zack out of the house.
My dad lets out a scream of rage before grabbing a vase off the table by the door and sending it crashing against the wall.
I jump back, eyes wide in fear. This can’t be happening. I don’t want to leave. I love my life here. I have friends, a home.
Tears spill down my cheeks as my father storms up the stairs. He sees me when he gets to the top, a look of pure rage on his face. “Pack your fucking bags. Grab as much as you can put in your suitcases.”
“But, Dad, I don’t... I don’t want to go.” I hate how my voice trembles.
His lip pulls back as he steps forward. “I don’t fucking care what you want,” he spits. “You’re under eighteen. You do as I fucking say. You are coming with me. Now, go fucking pack or you leave with nothing.” His chest heaves as he stares at me with this wild look in his eyes I’ve never seen before. I’ve never been afraid of my father, but with his bloody lip, blackening eye and maddening glare, I’m terrified. “Go!” he roars and I jerk in fear before running to my room.
I head for the closet and grab my suitcases. Tossing them on the bed, I open them and start filling them with handfuls of my clothes all while tears stream down my face as I cry heavily.
I hate this. I fucking hate all of this. Why is this happening? Why can’t I ever just be happy?
I’m just zipping up my second bag when my father comes in. “Give me your phone.”
“What? Why?”
“I said fucking give it to me!” he screams.
Frantically, I grab it from my bedside table and hand it to him. “What do you need it for.”
“I don’t want you contacting these people, do you hear me? We are leaving this life behind and starting over. You will not call that little prick, you will not talk to Rose. This life is done with, Cora. Don’t make me make you regret it if I find out you do.”