Page 24 of Bought For Us
It’s dark inside, only a dim glow of the few lights along the way. I’m too nervous to speak, to talk to Tom any more than I have to as I wring my hands together.
He presses in a code on the keypad and the elevator opens. He steps in and gives me a friendly smile. Biting my lower lip, I step inside hesitantly.
The elevator comes to a stop and the door opens. When we step out, we’re greeted by a woman. “Hi. I’m Amy,” she says. “I’m here to get you all signed in and then take you to your dressing room. Could I get your name please?”
“Hi, Amy.” I swallow, my pulse pounding. “I’m DeeDee.”
She looks at her tablet for a moment and then smiles. “There you are.” She presses a few things before looking up at us. “All signed in. Thank you, Tom, that will be all.”
The driver nods to her, then to me before getting back into the elevator.
“Alright,” she says, holding out a bowl. “I’ll have you pick a number please.”
Blinking down at the bowl, I stick my hand in and pull out the first one I touch. It’s number five.
Oh god, that’s a low number. Does that mean that I’d be the fifth person to be auctioned off? Couldn’t I have picked like, fifty or something.
“Now, if you follow me, I’ll take you to your dressing room. Someone will be in soon to do your hair and makeup. Please change into the lingerie you’ve brought with you before they arrive.”
She starts to walk down the hall and I follow. As we go deeper in, I notice that it’s a lot nicer down here than up there.
The walls are black and sleek, the floor a stunning marble and I smile when I look up to see the beautiful chandelier.
Okay, a little less like a place to be held captive and more like a club.
The music is a lot louder down here, bringing the place to life a little bit more as we stop in front of a door.
“Here we are. Everything you need should be inside.”
“Thank you.” I give her a polite smile as I step inside the room. “Wow,” I whisper to myself as I take in my soundings.
This room is nice. Like really nice. I was expecting a basic room with maybe a couch or chair and a mirror but this room is decked out.
The walls are a light grey. To my left is a black leather couch and chair. Along that wall is mirrors and lights.
When the door closes behind me, I let out a breath of relief. Taking a seat on the couch, I use a few moments to get my emotions under control.
“It’s just the weekend, Cora. Get the money and move on.” I just pray whoever ends up winning me isn’t a mean person and respects me if I’m not comfortable doing something.
That's my biggest worry, for someone to pay so much money for me and want to do something I’m truly uncomfortable with. Then get upset when I say no.
Their clientele is obviously wealthy to be able to afford the minimum buy in, but that doesn’t mean they’re good people.
Not wanting the hair and makeup people to wait, I take my purse into the attached bathroom and change into the outfit I brought with me.
It’s a pretty white lace bra and panty set. Nothing too fancy, but I think it’s sexy enough. I got it on clearance at this really nice lingerie place down the street from my old apartment.
I didn’t own anything beforehand. At least, nothing nice. I bought my bras and panties at Walmart. I couldn’t afford anything nicer. And seeing how my sex life is non-existent at this point, I didn’t have a need for anything nicer. What I had did the trick.
But, as I look at myself in the mirror, I smile. I feel... sexy. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good about myself in years.
The bra lifts my breasts up, making them look fuller. The panties hug my ass cheeks nicely and I run my hands down over my slender body.
I can’t wait to see how good I look when I’m fully done up.
Not long after I’m dressed, there’s a knock at the door. A half hour later, my makeup is done in a natural look and my hair is in long curls.
It’s nothing too out there, just sexy and natural. I love it.