Page 47 of Bought For Us
I ended up dreaming things that have me waking up needy. Things that will make me unable to look Zack and Kimmy in the eyes.
Yeah, I think spending time with Trenton might help. Maybe he can get these thoughts out of my head.
Wishful thinking.
Chapter 16
“Kimmy.” Zack says, coming up behind me. He wraps his arms around my belly, pulling me to his chest.
“Huh?” I hum, my mind a little distant.
“Are you okay?” he asks, pressing his face into the side of my neck.
“Of course.” I blink a few times. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you’ve been stirring that bowl of cake mix for a good five minutes now.” He chuckles softly, placing a kiss behind my ear. I close my eyes as my body breaks out into a shiver. All these years together, and this man can get me going with just a look or a simple touch.
Blinking, I look down at the bowl of batter and sigh. “Shit.” I grab the baking pan and pour the mix into it.
“What's on your mind, Firecracker?” he kisses me again.
“Nothing is on my mind,” I lie. Because all I can think about is Cora hanging out with Trenton.
“Don’t lie to me,” he growls and nips my throat.
Spinning around in his arms, I tilt my head back to look up at him. “Fine.” I lick my lips, eyes locking with his. “I can’t stop thinking about Cora hanging out with Trenton. My mind is going nuts. Like, what if she makes friends with all of them and doesn’t need us anymore?” I start to panic babble. “What if we lose her so soon after getting her back? And then I think, what if her and Trenton really do go on a real date and they hit it off? Then I’d lose the chance of asking her to be our third.”
His lip twitches. “Our third huh?”
“Oh fuck off. I damn well know you’ve thought about it too. I’m not stupid, you know. I know you used to like her way back when. And you know I liked her too. Sometimes, even with time, feelings don’t just go away. Or they do but something triggers them, bringing them back to the surface. Yes, I liked who Cora was back then, but getting to know her now, I like this Cora too.”
“But getting a third was for you. Not for me.”
“That was before.” I hold his gaze.
“Before what?” He quirks an eyebrow.
“Before Cora came back into our lives.” I grab his arms. “Don’t you see, this is our second chance to say the things we didn’t back then, to act on feelings we couldn’t. I can see myself falling hard and fast for Cora again. Hell, I think I already have and it’s only been a week.”
“So, you’re telling me you would be okay if I were to have a relationship with Cora also? I thought the idea of me touching another woman made you want to beat my ass and gouge the imaginary girl?” The asshole chuckles.
“Again, that girl in my mind wasn’t Cora. I didn’t think that would ever be a possibility until now.”
“Me touching Cora doesn’t piss you off?” I shake my head. “Then what does it make you feel?”
“Don’t make me say it.” I narrow my eyes.
“We’re putting all the cards on the table, baby,” he challenges.
“Fine, it makes my nipples tighten and my belly clench at not just what we could do together, the three of us, but what you would do to her.”
“Fuck.” He groans and closes his eyes, nostrils flaring. I can’t help but feel a little smug.
“Are you attracted to Cora?”
He blinks a few times, his jaw clenching. I hold his stare. He better not lie to me. “Yes,” he says simply.