Page 49 of Bought For Us
“I have no idea.” I tell him. “But I think I want to find out.”
His lip twitches. “So do I.”
IT FEELS LIKE HOURS before Cora walks through the door again. She left a few hours before her shift and now it’s past one in the morning.
When she texted Zack that Trenton was bringing her home, it made me feel anxious. I know I’m overthinking everything, but I can’t help it. I keep playing the worst case scenario over and over in my head.
Zack is right. What if Cora doesn’t feel the same way. It’s been so long and she’s been through so much. I don’t want to overwhelm her or come on too strong and scare her away.
Neither Zack nor I could sleep, so we’ve been sitting in the study near the front door waiting.
As soon as we hear the door open, I perk up and look at Zack. He chuckles like I’m an eager puppy and I’m on my feet to greet her.
“Hey,” she says with a look of surprise. “I didn’t think you were still up. Sorry I’m so late. I stayed behind and helped the girls clean up. Some asshole tossed his glass at some of the alcohol bottles. Sent them crashing to the ground.”
“What?” Zack growls. “Are you okay?” he looks Cora over and she nods.
“I’m fine.”
“I hope they know who did it.”
“They got his ID from the scanner at the door and he got arrested,” Cora tells him.
“Fucking banned from my club he is.”
“So.” I try to change the subject before Zack loses it. He takes pride in his businesses. I know he’s pissed about not just the damage but the fact his staff could have gotten hurt. I’m sure after we part ways, he’s going to make some calls to ensure they’re all okay. “How was your night? Apart from that.”
“Good.” Cora smiles. “Busy, but tips were amazing. Look!” She holds up a wad of bills. “There’s got to be at least five hundred bucks. I’ve never made that much in one night. Although, I found out a few years ago strippers make more than this a night in tips. Almost considered switching jobs.” She laughs and Zack growls.
We both look at him, eyes wide. He realizes what he did and clears his throat.
“How was the meeting with your co-workers before work?”
“It was fun. Got to know the girls a little more. Good people.”
“And Trenton?” I push.
“He’s nice. Really sweet. He asked me out on a date, but while I did enjoy hanging out with him and working with him, I told him now wasn’t a good time.”
“Oh, yeah?” Zack says, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. “Why not?”
A blush takes over her cheeks and she shrugs. “Honestly, as much as new friends sound nice, I don’t really need anyone else right now. Would it be weird to say that I’d rather spend my free time here?” She lifts her eyes to us and my heart hammers in my chest. “With you two.”
Be chill, Kimmy. Do not freak her out. Relax. Play it cool.
“Not at all.” I can’t help but grin when inside I’m doing a happy dance. “We’ve missed a lot of time together. And I know I love having you live here.” We’ve spent so much time together and it feels beyond natural. Like old times but better in different ways.
“Really?” She looks unsure. “I’m not getting in the way, or being a burden? Because I’ll leave as soon as it becomes too much.”
“You’re not going anywhere, Cora,” Zack tells her. “Get that idea out of your head.”
She looks over at him and bites her lip. I don’t think she knows that she’s doing it and it has my pussy aching. She’s so damn sexy when she does that.
“I’ll have to move out someday, you know.” She laughs softly.
“Someday,” he says slowly. “Yeah.” He nods. “Sure, sure.”
She blinks at him a few times and I’m about to tell him to relax.