Page 7 of Bought For Us
“Let the girls go, man,” Tyler says, joining us. “Tilly said we can go over to her place to swim. I mean come on dude, girls in bikinis!”
The image of that doesn’t sit right with me and by the looks of it, Kimmy doesn’t seem to like that idea too as I watch a flash of what I think is jealousy cross her face.
Zack grins. “You know what, that sounds so much better than watching you two try on clothes or whatever girls do.”
“Make sure to keep it in your pants, Zack. Heard Tilly made her rounds this summer.” Kimmy scoffs and this is the first time I’ve seen her act... bitchy? Something doesn’t seem right.
“Whatever.” Zack rolls his eyes. “I’ll see you at home, Daredevil.” He grins at me and winks. “Later, losers.” He gets into his car and Tyler lets out a whoop before getting into the passenger's side.
“Stupid boys.” Kimmy mutters as we watch the car drive away.
“Are you okay? You seemed pissed.”
She sighs. “I am. Why is he such a dumbass?”
“Who? Zack?”
“Yeah, Zack. The stupid boy is blind.” She huffs as she starts to walk away.
I run to catch up with her. “Blind about what?”
“Me. Us. I don’t know.” She shoots me a look. “Promise not to tell?”
“Of course.” I might have just met her today, but I’m not one to really gossip.
“So, I’m kind of maybe madly in love with my brother’s best friend.” She cringes.
My heart drops and I feel sick. “You mean...”
“Zack.” She sighs heavily. “I've been crushing so hard on that boy since I knew what boys were. But, we’re best friends and I would never do something to risk that, you know? Ugh, it just sucks. I know we won’t ever be something, but a part of me hopes he feels the same way. But maybe that's messed up because like I said, I wouldn’t risk dating him and losing him as a friend.”
I know I shouldn’t be jealous and I have no right to be disappointed, Zack is my step brother. Our parents are married. If anyone can’t be together, it would be me and him. Not that he would ever feel that way about me in a million years.
“That sucks.” I tell her. “But, I agree with not dating your best friend.” Little did I know, I’d come to hate my own words later on. “Real friends are hard to come by and who knows how you will feel later on. Who knows, you might meet a really good guy and forget about Zack all together.” I shrug, part of me is hoping that's exactly what happens with me. “We’re only fifteen after all.”
“Ugh, you sound like my mom.” She groans.
“Thanks?” I laugh.
“Come on,” she says. “And thanks, you know, for listening. I’ve never told a soul and I never plan on telling another.”
“Anytime. What are friends for?” I smile. And I mean it. Even if I’m not a fan of what she told me.
“You know, Cora, me and you, we’re gonna be unstoppable.” She laughs as we stop in front of a friggin limo.
She pulls the door open. “Hey, mom. I’m bringing a friend over.”
A pretty woman with a business suit sits in the back seat. She gives Kimmy a warm smile. “A friend you say? Well, any friends of yours are welcome over.”
We climb in. “Hi.” I wave. “I’m Cora.”
“This is Zack's new step-sister,” Kimmy informs her.
“Oh, Cora, hi. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Abby.”
“I’m stealing her away from Zack, by the way. Partly, because I don’t want him replacing me as his bestie, no offense,” she tells me.
“None taken.” I laugh.