Page 10 of Navy
“I’ll check in a bit later,” Rea whispers to me. “If you need me before that, give me a call.”
“Will do,” I agree. The click of the door sounds as they leave the room. They both knew that I’d make sure Gia was looked after.
When Gia is down to hiccupping sobs, she lifts her head and wipes a hand down her face, removing the last of her tears. Sitting up, she takes the tissues I offer her, “Sorry,” she apologises shakily.
“No need to apologise, sweets. You’ve been through hell the last months, we get it. Now, how about some soup then you can call your gran?”
Getting up from the bed at her nod, I pick up the tray and wait until she shuffles up the bed and leans against the headboard before placing the tray on her lap. I wait until she’s taken her first sip and will my cock to go down at the moan she lets out at the first taste.
Knowing I need to get out of the room because the last thing I want to do is make her uncomfortable with the hard-on I’m starting to sport every time she moans around a mouthful of soup.
“I’m going to grab a quick shower while you eat,” I let her know. Going to my bag find a pair of tracksuit pants and a clean T-shirt to take to the bathroom with me.
“Okay,” Gia replies with wide eyes at my abruptness.
I don’t have time to be polite as I hurry to the bathroom to take things in hand.
Twenty minutes later, I walk back into the room to see that Gia’s finished her soup and is at the table in the corner of the bedroom making a cup of tea. Holy fuck, this woman is gorgeous, and seeing her in my shirt is making me feel all sorts of possessive. I’d never in all my years felt like this.
Over the years, I’d watched one brother after another fall and find their one. Always wondering when it was going to be my turn. But as the years passed, I’d given up wondering, and accepted that it probably wasn’t going to happen and just enjoyed spending time with my brothers, their Old Ladies, and the children they continued to have.
The shirt that Gia wore was long and hung down to mid-thigh. She’d taken her hair down and it hung in long, thick tresses down her back to just above the bend in her knees.
Gia turns as soon as she hears me come into the room and fuck-me if I don’t have a woody again. My girl is large in the chest area and the shirt is straining against her breasts. I can tell she’s not got a bra on from the shadow of her dark nipples against the white of the shirt. Averting my gaze, I take a deep breath. Picking up my phone from the desk, I walk over to hand it to her.
“Here, sweets, call your gran,” I tell her, taking her mug of tea from her and walking her back to the bed. I need to get her covered up again and fast. Once she’s settled, I place the tea next to her on the bedside table, walking away to give her as much privacy as possible.
Seeing another mug on the tray, I make myself a cup of tea while she chats. The relief in her voice when she hears her gran’s voice makes me smile. I listen as the two of them chat and she assures her gran she’ll see her tomorrow and they’d get somewhere safe. Not liking the idea of her worrying about her gran overnight, I interrupt their conversation.
“Sweets, where is your gran now?”
Gia looks up with wide eyes, “Um, she’s at our cook’s house in Somerset.”
“Darling, Somerset’s a big place. I need a town name and address.”
“Oh,” Gia blushes, lowering her eyes, “hang-on I’ll get the address.”
I write the address down as she repeats it. It’s not far from our family property in Frome.
“Thanks, sweets.”
Taking the address, I tell her I’ll be right back. Leaving the room, I walk down the passage to where I know Bas and Hope are staying and knock on the door.
It doesn’t take long for Bas to open the door. “Hi, Alan, is she okay?”
“Yeah, Bas, she’s fine. Can I ask you a favour?”
“Of course,” Bas answers. “What do you need?”
Handing him the slip of paper with the address of where her grandmother is staying, “Can you have Derek go to that address and pick her gran and the cook up who got her out of there? He needs to do it tonight and have him take them back to yours just until this is all sorted. Gia doesn’t think that Julian will know who helped them, but I don’t what to take any chances.”
“No worries, leave it with me,” Bas assures me. “And let us know if there’s anything else we can do for her.”
Once again, I’m thankful for my family, both blood and not, that rallied around, no questions asked even if I may have brought danger to all of us. Wanting to get back to Gia, I thank Bas and hurry back to my room.
Gia’s just finishing up on her call with her gran, and I interrupt again, asking if I can speak to her gran before she ends the call. Gia tells her gran that I need to speak to her and hands over the phone.
“Hello, Mrs. Wallingsworth.”