Page 12 of Navy
Smirking at her, pleased with the compliment. Our training regime must be doing its job.
“I’m forty-two.”
“Wow,” she muttered, “Good genes.”
I couldn’t argue with that, I did have good genes.
We talked for a little while, I let her ramble until she eventually stopped mid-sentence and fell asleep. Turning on my back, I switched off the bedside light. There was enough light from the bathroom to light the way if we needed it to.
I woke only once during the night to find that Gia had moved and was snuggled into me, head tucked into my neck, leg over my hip, arm thrown over me.
Content with having her in my arms, I allowed sleep to claim me again, knowing that my life was going to change, and I hoped it was for the better.
What a night last night had been. Not what I’d expected at all when I attended the ball with Julian. My only thought had been to somehow get some help. Well, I’d certainly found it.
Waking up this morning to find myself wrapped around Navy had been one of the best feelings in the world. I’d known from the moment his lips had touched mine last night and then the care he’d shown me afterwards that I was a goner. Was it possible to fall for someone straight away? I didn’t know.
What I did know was that he made me feel safe, and I hadn’t felt safe in a long time. Did it bother me that he was nearly eighteen years older than me? No, it didn’t. I had a feeling he was probably fitter than most men my age. And it was nice to have someone take charge for a change. I’d had to grow up fast once my mother married Julian, the First. All my life I’d been the one to make the decisions and it was nice that for once I didn’t have to. Navy seemed to have it all in hand.
It could have been awkward waking up this morning in his arms. From the long hard length of him against my thigh, I’d known straight away he was one of those men that woke up ready to go in the morning.
By the feel of it, he wasn’t a small man. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to let myself be taken by a man like him? I had a feeling that he would make my first time memorable, and god did I need that. I’d hung on to my virginity for long enough, mostly because I didn’t trust anyone enough to allow them that close to me.
It made me wish we were really married. If I could have chosen my perfect man, it would have been him, from his rugged dark good looks, caring nature, to his sense of humour. From what I’d seen when watching him with his friends and family last night before he’d seen me, he had a great sense of humour. The fact that he did made him all the more attractive. I hadn’t had much to laugh about in my life, and I wanted that, a partner who could laugh and not take life seriously.
Eventually, I knew we’d have to get up and I may have sighed in disappointment at having to leave the warm haven of his arms. But I’d done it and pushed myself away from him without saying anything. I’d gone to the bathroom, washing up as best as I could, using my finger to brush my teeth and freshen my mouth. Hoping he didn’t mind, I ran his brush through my hair. I felt halfway human as I left the bathroom to find Navy shirtless making a cup of coffee.
“Feel better, sweets?” he asked, holding out a cup of coffee to me. “I wasn’t sure how you liked it, but I made it like you had your tea last night.”
Bringing the cup to my lips, I took a deep breath inhaling the goodness that only a cup of coffee could give you in the morning. Opening my eyes, I smiled, “It’s perfect, thank you. And yes, I feel a hundred times better than I did last night.”
“Good,” he replied. “Rea and Abby dropped some clothes off for you.” He motioned to the bed where I could see a pair of black leggings, a top, and a hoodie. The hoodie didn’t look like a lady’s one, so I assumed it was Navy’s. There was also a pair of trainers and socks on the floor near the bed. My throat closed up, and I had to blink to clear the tears from my eyes. They’d thought of everything.
“Once I’m dressed, we’ll go downstairs for breakfast,” Navy continued, bringing my attention back to him.
I nodded in agreement, “Okay.”
Navy lifted a hand to cup my cheek, his thumb rubbing gently across my lips.
“It will all be okay now, sweets. We’ll take care of you.”
Setting my coffee cup down, I wrapped my arms around him, my head on his chest.
“Thank you. I’m not sure what I did to deserve you all, but I’m so glad you caught my eyes last night and knew that I needed help.”
Navy gently squeezed me back, pressing a kiss to the crown of my head.
“Fate, sweets, I put it down to fate. This was the first ball I’ve been to in two years. Something made me come this year and offer to bring my MC family with when they’d never been before. Now I know why.”
We stood there for a while wrapped in each other’s arms, until there was a knock on the door, and someone called through that they were going down to breakfast.
Navy called back that we were coming. Letting me go, he pushed me gently towards the bed and the clothes waiting for me, before sauntering to the bathroom, giving me a wink when he noticed me watching him leave. Smirking wickedly at me when I blushed.
I hurriedly dressed while he was in the bathroom and was ready by the time he came out.