Page 26 of Navy
“Come on, let’s go get washed, supper will be on soon.”
Walking out, I wait as Navy closes and locks the doors. It’s as we are about to leave that his next words stop me cold and I know that the cheerful, affable, loving man that I’d seen until now could turn into a cold killer if there was ever a need.
“One more thing, Tristan,” Navy calls out.
Turning back towards him, I wait.
“If I ever find out you’ve fucked Derek or Gia over. They’ll never find your body.”
Swallowing hard, all I can do is nod and agree, “Okay.”
“Excellent,” Navy claps a hand onto my shoulder, turning me towards the house. “I knew you were a smart one.”
Not knowing how to reply to his comment, I keep walking, thinking there was no way I would ever want to be on this man’s bad side.
The next few days were busy as hell getting all the paperwork done to ensure that Gia could take over in Tristan’s stead.
I’d thought we’d have some push back and had arranged to take our family lawyer with us, but it seemed that Julian was disliked by most. The relief on Tristan’s lawyers face when we walked through the door should have been our first clue. Once the lawyer notified the board and set up a meeting, it was mostly smooth sailing from there. I’m sure the weight of who my family was helped things along and for the first time ever, I used who I was to influence people.
Gia being the figurehead would only be for a handful months. Tristan would be set to take over next year after he’d finished his degree. I’d never been prouder of my woman as I had been the day she’d stood up front of the boardroom and explained what was going to happen moving forward. Tristan and Gia had spent most of the day before the board meeting reviewing the financials and making plans and contingencies going forward. Bas had gotten involved and the three of them had locked themselves away in the study until Hope had called them for supper. Most of it had been over my head, but they all seemed happy with their plans. I was, in effect, just arm candy along for the ride on this one. I had absolutely no interest in being stuck in an office day in and day out. No, thank you. But if that was what made Gia happy then I’d support her however she needed it. I’d not been surprised to find out she’d been a business manager at a rather large transport company until Julian had kidnapped her. While she was shy and quiet, she came into herself when they were discussing strategies and ideas on where the company was going to go from here on out.
I’d complete faith that between Tristan and her, they’d take over running the company and make it a success.
I couldn’t wait for her to meet Bren, Bella, and Avy. Between the four of them, I think the Crow businesses were going to grow in leaps and bounds over the next few years.
While my days were spent ensuring Gia and Tristan had my support, my nights were spent ensuring that Gia knew how much she was loved and wanted. Not that it was a hardship being between her thighs, it was probably one of the best places I’d ever had the pleasure of being.
Once this was all over and settled, I was going to take her away for a holiday, somewhere in the sun, where we could relax and just enjoy being together.
Until then we had the Crow MC arriving soon and while Gia had been sequestered in the study doing all the boring business stuff, Derek, the kids, and I’d been getting the paintball field ready, and it was looking fucking awesome if I had to so myself.
We’d left the broken-down old tractor and trailer that had been in situ where they were. We’d brought in hay bales but then realised we needed more.
Derek had put the word out to our neighbours and before long, we had another tractor and an old car.
When I’d phoned home to find out when they’d all be arriving, Sam had said he would come down early and build us a few barricades and a fortress. I’d put Vi and George to work digging trenches with the mini digger, and they’d been ecstatic, although Hope hadn’t been thrilled when she’d found out they’d been using machinery. I’d supervised the entire time we just didn’t tell her that. She was hilarious when she went on a rant. They’d gone one step further and had filled a few of the trenches with a little water. Derek and I had grinned, but I’d made note of where they were so that I didn’t end up wet.
Sam had arrived yesterday along with Cairo, Bond, and Blaze. Sam had arrived in his work vehicle as he’d brought his tools with him, but the other three had been on their bikes.
It had been good to see them. I loved being with my biological family, but I’d missed the brotherhood. Derek had waved them over to the open barn that we’d cleared out for them. It was open on all sides but had a roof and would keep the weather off the bikes should it rain.
Everyone had come out to greet them and once they’d settled in, we’d got to helping Sam build the structures he’d drawn up. As always, he’d blown me away with his ideas and designs. If Bas ever needed extra money, he could always start offering paintball days, the course was that good.
While we’d laughed and joke like we always did, Derek being welcomed and joining in being much the same age as them, I’d noticed that Sam didn’t seem his usual self. Waiting until he’d cut out the panels, we’d loaded the first structure into the trailer that was hitched to the tractor. Derek and the others would go ahead and build it where it was to be placed. Sam would follow on later and check everything to make sure it was safe. I knew it would be Derek and Cairo doing the building as they were good at building shit.
I waited until the tractor and trailer that Derek was driving with Vi, George, and the brothers in the back had driven away before asking him what was wrong.
“What’s going on, Sam?”
Sam looked up from the plan he’d been studying with a frown, “I don’t know what you mean, Navy.”
“Little brother, you may be able to fool most but not me. Something’s going on and if I was to guess, it’s Bella.”
Sighing, Sam puts the paper down on the saw table he’d set up, picking up the cup of coffee he’d set down earlier and taking a sip. I grinned at the grimace he sends it when he realises it’s ice cold.