Page 39 of Angel Betrayed
Not quite.
She glanced over her shoulder once more. This whole setup wasn’t good. They shouldn’t be outside like this. “We need to get out of here.” If Sam wanted, he could bring Alex with him, but right then, they needed to split. “We’re gonna have company soon.” Because Rogziel’s teams never worked alone. There was always backup lurking nearby.
And not all the other teams would leave Alex to his fate—the way he left me.
“Let them come.” Sam shrugged.
Right. Well, if she was an all-powerful Fallen who’d walked through fire without a burn, she might be shrugging, too. And to think, she’d actually raced over on the idea that he might need her help.
Delusions. Apparently, she had them.
But a loud pop filled the air, like an exploding firecracker, and Cole cried out in pain. Her gaze flew to him, and Seline saw that he’d grabbed his shoulder. His bleeding shoulder.
Shot. Not firecrackers, nothing nearly so innocent.
More bullets littered the alley. Sam didn’t flinch, but Seline ducked for cover even as one bullet flew right by her.
Too close!
Bullets hailed down around them. Sam grabbed her and twisted, protecting her with his body. She glanced up at him. Oh, wait, there he went, being all nice again. But it was probably a trick. He’d probably just leave her dangling in the air again in a few moments once the gunfire stopped.
A rush of wind filled the alley. Alex’s footsteps thudded as he raced past them. She heard distant yells, quickly choked off, and knew that Sam had used his power to reach the gunmen.
Seline guessed that backup team wouldn’t be coming after all.
“Cole?” Sam snapped out. “You okay?”
The demon was on his knees, bloody, but his head lifted, and he gave a wave with his left hand.
Sam stepped back and turned to him.
Alex was getting away. Seline took off after him. Her legs pumped fast, and she jumped into the air.
“Seline!” Sam’s snarl.
She tackled Alex. “You’re not getting away that easily.” They crashed onto the pavement.
“Fucking demon bitch. Traitor.” He rolled and came up fast. “You’re not getting away at all.” And the knife he’d gripped in his right hand came at her throat.
Before he could touch her, Sam touched him.
Alex’s whole body jerked as if he’d been hit with an electrical charge. His eyes rolled back into his head, and a silent scream contorted his face.
He shuddered, then a moment later he fell to the ground, his body frozen. Dead.
Seline’s gaze rose to Sam’s. The pounding of her heart seemed far too loud. He’d told her what he could do. She’d known how powerful he was, but seeing him, well…
He’d just killed with a touch.
Very, very scary.
He offered his hand to her.
She was afraid of him. Sam could all but see her fear. Seline climbed onto Sam’s motorcycle, and she tentatively put her arms around his waist. Slow motions, every move so very hesitant, as if she were worried that touching him would be lethal to her.
“Tighter,” he ordered as he kicked away from the curb. They had to clear out of there as quickly as they could. Even the human cops wouldn’t overlook the thunder of gunshots.
Or the dead body that they’d left behind.