Page 47 of Angel Betrayed
Others were heading into the building to take care of Omayo. Or what was left of him.
“Sam?” She cleared her throat and tried again. “I need…”
He still wasn’t looking at her. His whole focus was on searching the scene.
Good luck with that. She knew Az was long gone. Again.
Shaking her head, Seline climbed into the silver SUV. Cole slammed the door shut behind her.
And as the vehicle pulled away from the curb, she wondered why her back still hurt—right beneath both of her shoulder blades. Her back burned and ached, and she felt like she’d lost…something in the fire.
A fire that had only been in her mind.
When Sam finally made it to Sunrise, two demons were guarding the doors. Tension held his body tight, and rage continued to pump through him.
When he closed his eyes, he could still see Omayo. The messenger angel had never hurt anyone. He hadn’t deserved to go out like that.
Sam pushed past the guards and hurried inside the club. The place was deserted, of course, that was why he’d ordered Cole to bring Seline there. No one ever actually came to Sunrise when the sun was up. And he didn’t worry about any uninvited guests following him inside. The demons at the front would keep the place secure. They were a whole lot stronger than they looked.
His gaze drifted around the bar. No sign of Seline. Or Cole.
He remembered the paleness of Seline’s face. Her hands had trembled as she’d talked about the fire.
Damn Az. Though he’d tried to show no reaction, Sam knew just what his brother had done. Az had given Seline a taste of hell.
Soon you’ll be the one tasting hell, brother.
The faintest murmur of voices reached him. He glanced upstairs. He had a small apartment up there. Just a bedroom and a bath, a place to crash when the nights rolled together.
He headed for the metal stairs. He needed to find out exactly what Az had said to Seline because he already had a dark suspicion. One that didn’t bode well for the Fallen in the area.
A few weeks back, Az had tried to kill another Fallen, but Keenan had been too strong for his brother’s attack. Well, Keenan and the vampire lover who’d fought so fiercely at her mate’s side.
If Az had already tried to kill one Fallen, and Omayo’s blood had been on his hands…are you still trying to play God, Az? Even after the Fall? You think you’re the one who should send souls to hell?
Sam threw open the door to his apartment, and it took the scene before him a bit too long to register.
Seline lounged on the bed, clad in an oversize white robe while Cole bent over her.
What. The. Fuck?
She’d been attacked, weak, so she would have needed power?—
I didn’t give her enough.
So she’d turned to Cole? A snarl broke from Sam’s lips.
What. The. Fuck!
Sam lunged across the room and grabbed for Cole.
Seline saw him. She jumped up and knocked the demon back before Sam could touch him.
“Dammit, Seline, you didn’t have to—” Cole broke off when he got a look at Sam’s face. Then the demon’s eyes darted from Sam to Seline. “Guess you did.” A long sigh slipped from his lips. “I am so screwed,” he muttered.
Seline’s clothes were tossed onto the floor. “Yeah,” Sam said very definitely, “you are.”
But Seline stepped between them before Sam could make Cole wish for death. “Ease up, Sam. This isn’t what you think.”