Page 57 of Angel Betrayed
Seline knew she was staring up at a man who could be very, very wrong for her.
She cleared her throat. “Ah, what happens when your friend gets here?” she asked Sam as the air seemed to grow thicker between them.
He sighed softly. “You won’t like it.”
The kick in her gut told her this was going to be bad. What else was new?
“Trust, that’s what I asked for, wasn’t it?” Sam rolled back his shoulders.
She nodded, aware that her heart was racing too fast and that her palms had started to sweat.
“But you see, my people are dying. It’s not so easy to kill Fallen.”
“Az is?—”
“Az isn’t a shifter.”
Uh, no.
“And Az isn’t the only one out there who’d like to punish the Fallen.”
As his words sank in, her jaw almost dropped. “Wait, hold on, you’re saying?—”
“I’m saying your Rogziel could be doling out his punishments.”
“No, no, that last Fallen wasn’t even on his list!”
“Have you ever seen his list? This magic, mythical list that the Punishers receive?”
No, she hadn’t. Seline shook her head.
“Before I take you to find more Fallen, before I let you get any closer to me…”
She was standing less than three inches from him. They’d had sex so intense she could still feel him inside her, and he was worried about her getting close now? Too late, buddy.
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to pass a little test for me, Seline.”
She blinked and shook her head. “You’re bullshitting me.” It was one hell of a time for his warped sense of humor to show itself.
“No, I’m not.” His gaze held hers. “The clerk will have already summoned the man I need for this job. Benny knows that when I bring someone here with me, it’s because I want the test.”
More with the test. She’d always sucked at tests.
Sam rubbed the back of his neck. “Two days ago, you came to kill me.”
Okay, true, that had been her assignment, but…
His hand lifted toward her. Hingers slid down her cheek and eased over her neck. “You came into my dreams, and you tried to take my power.”
Power he’d willingly given to her when his body took hers.
“Now Fallen are dying around us. You say that Rogziel is after you?—”
“He is.” Like she’d lie about having a punishment angel on her trail.
“Then why did he let you drive away with me?”
Now she was lost. “What?”