Page 64 of Angel Betrayed
“You don’t have to worry, I won’t let Az hurt you.”
Sure. Easy to say. But right then, she could still taste ash. She slammed the bathroom door shut behind her without replying. The bathroom was a matchbox, but it was better than nothing. She took one step forward and yanked on the shower. The water thundered out—at least that worked well enough. She stripped, climbed into the shower, and as the water fell onto her in hot, rough bursts, she wondered what the hell would happen next.
She dreamed of fire and blood. Of falling, faster, faster. Plummeting from the sky as her body burned. No, not her body.
Her wings.
Seline tried to scream, but only a whimper escaped from her lips. Her body trembled, and she fell. The ground was coming up fast beneath her, and she knew she’d slam into that unforgiving surface.
Burning and falling.
Her eyelids flew open. “No!”
And she wasn’t falling anymore. She was in the lumpy bed at the motel. The sheets were twisted around her legs, and Sam lay sleeping beside her.
She yanked a hand through her tangled hair. She didn’t usually have nightmares, but after the day she’d had, no wonder she’d been dreaming of death.
Sam groaned beside her. Her eyes darted to him. His features were tense, his jaw clenched, and, hold on, was that pain etched on his face?
He rolled away from her, and with the sunlight streaming through the blinds, she got her first true look at his back.
The thick scars cut right across his shoulder blades. Exactly where wings would have been. No, exactly where they had been.
Seline realized what had been happening. The fire and fall hadn’t been her dream. It hadn’t been his, either, not really.
Because it hadn’t been a dream at all.
Memory. A memory Sam was trapped in right then.
Seline’s hand reached out to trace the thick marks that cut across his left shoulder blade. Her fingertips lightly touched his warm skin.
She felt the sudden stillness that tightened his body.
She leaned closer to him, and her lips feathered over the raised scar.
“Seline…” Her name seemed torn from him.
Her breath blew against his skin, and she pressed a series of gentle kisses against the marks. First one scar, then another.
He was so warm beneath her lips. Leashed power, waiting to explode.
Her mouth lingered on his skin, tasting him. He’d endured so much pain…to have lost his wings…what was worse for an angel? “I’m sorry,” she whispered. She didn’t know why he’d fallen, but he’d obviously born a terrible price for whatever crime he’d committed.
He’d already been punished. Rogziel should leave him alone.
In an instant, Sam rolled toward her. His eyes were solid black. “I don’t need your pity.” And in that deep rumble she heard a mix of anger and…lust?
He kissed her, crushing his lips to hers, and, oh, yes, that was definitely lust she tasted on his tongue. This kiss was different from all the ones that had passed before. Wilder, hotter.
Too late, she remembered one more whisper about angels. The wings are the most sensitive part of their bodies.
Even the scars? Were they still so very sensitive?
Sam lifted her over him. One yank, and he tore her panties away. Her knees dug into the mattress on either side of his body even as the broad head of his fully aroused cock pushed at her entrance.
His gaze blazed at her.
Staring right into his eyes, feeling her own arousal heat her blood, Seline pushed down with her hips and took him in as deep as she could.