Page 73 of Angel Betrayed
“Then who did?”
The thunder rumbled again. Louder. Closer.
“Help me, and I’ll give you anything,” he promised.
“Help you? How am I supposed to help you?” The delusional, psychotic angel wanted her help. Figured. Sometimes, she felt like she had a beacon for crazy. That would explain Rogziel.
“My brother is the one killing. Not me. I know because I remember what he’s done.”
With that disclosure, it sure felt like someone kicked her in the gut. Keep him talking. Because if Az was talking, then he wasn’t killing her.
She didn’t take Az for a multitasker.
She also didn’t take Sam for the killer on this one. “I’ve been with Sam, and he hasn’t been killing anyone.”
“Have you been with him every moment?”
No, not every moment, but?—
“He’s slaughtered before. That’s what I remembered first. He killed so many.” Az’s hand fisted. “I have to stop him. You can help me.”
Help the guy kill Sam? Right.
“Anything—I’ll give you anything if you help me.”
So that was why he’d been following her. He thought she’d be the perfect tool to help eliminate Sam.
Hmm. Anything from a powerful Fallen. Tempting.
But, no. “Sorry, bud, I’m not?—”
For sale.
Her words were drowned out by Sam’s roar. Jeez. Freaking finally.
Then she saw Sam racing toward the broken door. Sam—and his blood-soaked chest. What the hell? He’d been shot, over and over again.
Not thunder. The sound that she’d heard had been gunshots.
And he’d still come back for her. Now that was impressive. Damn straight she wasn’t going to turn on him.
“Get away from her,” Sam snarled as he advanced on them.
“I’m not here to hurt her.” Az whipped up his chin. “I am just here to send you to hell.”
Sam smiled, and it wasn’t a pretty sight.
Where do you want to be when two Fallens go at it?
Not there. Seline tried to inch toward the open window. She figured Sam would have this. He’d better.
She’d just reached out to touch the windowpane when the room exploded.
Rogziel smiled when Room 12 blew up. The explosives had been so carefully placed after Tomas had been contained. The devices had been hidden well, and activated with just a press of a button.
Humans could be very useful and so clever with their toys.
He knew the blast wouldn’t kill the Fallen. Just as he knew that the bullets his man had fired into Sam’s body wouldn’t slow the bastard down for long.