Page 31 of Angel Of Darkness
He jumped out of the truck. Yeah, that piece of crap wasn’t going anywhere, but if he didn’t hurry, Nicole could easily vanish.
“Nicole!” Keenan shouted. Great. He couldn’t see her now. With a vamp’s speed, she could be anywhere. “I’m trying to help you!” Keenan called out into the night.
The hit came from behind. A hard, fast tackle that sent him slamming into the ground. He rolled, moving in a blink, but it still wasn’t fast enough. Nicole pinned his hands to the ground and loomed over him.
“Why do I need help from a demon?” Nicole demanded, and her teeth lengthened as he watched.
She straddled his body. Her hips and sex pushed down onto him. Keenan had never been in this particular position with a woman. He rather liked it.
A lot.
His cock began to swell. “I don’t—look, I’m not here to hurt you.” He didn’t bother letting his eyes change back to blue. She’d see him as he was. Probably would be better that way. Keenan could break from her hold in an instant, vampire strength or not, but he remained on the ground beneath her and let his gaze slowly rise to her face. “If I’d wanted you dead, I could have killed you back at the motel. You couldn’t fight back in your sleep.”
“Maybe killing me isn’t the plan.” Her eyes narrowed to slits. “Death is the easy part.”
He’d always thought so. Until her.
“If this is all some trick that you and your demon buddies are working, think again.”
Now she was starting to offend him. “I have no demon friends.” Come to think of it, he wasn’t sure that he actually had any friends.
She leaned closer to him, and her thighs slid against his hips.
Like it. A lot.
“What’s so special about me, huh?” The darkness shone in her eyes. To fight or fuck. He’d heard the whisper before. A vamp’s eyes changed to black when she was either getting ready to battle or to screw.
“Tell me, Keenan, why do I get a guardian? You don’t know me. You know nothing about me.”
Her scent surrounded him. Her hair brushed his cheek. If he wanted, he could lunge up and reverse their positions in about two seconds. Maybe one.
If he wanted.
I want.
But he put a stranglehold on the beast that was growing inside of him. A beast he hadn’t even known about until her.
“You’re not special,” he managed to grit from between his teeth.
She blinked at him. “Uh, I?—”
“You seem to be just like every other human out there.”
“Wrong answer, hotshot. I’m not exactly human.” And she let her claws scratch him. A light, painful sting.
It shouldn’t have made his cock twitch.
It did.
He sucked in a breath and tasted her. His eyes squeezed shut. But now he could feel her even more intensely. Supple thighs. Slender, soft body. Control. “You—you were just like the others.” His words came out as a growl. “Going to work. Teaching at that school. Work. Home. Over and over.”
He caught the hitch of her breath. “What school?”
His eyes opened. “St. Mary’s. Down in the Quarter. You’d stay late with the kids, then hurry home, change and meet—Who was it? Donna?—for drinks at the bar on?—”
“How do you know this?”