Page 12 of My Tiny Giant
That was more than I could bear. My remaining composure vanished. Something inside me snapped. Pivoting on my heel, I yanked the laser knife handle out of the pocket on the sleeve of my bodysuit.
“You’re not going to watch anything,” I gritted through my teeth, flicking the flame of the blade on. “Take one step to follow me, and I swear I’ll cut you.”
“You’ll be vulnerable out there on your own,” he protested. “Especially in the position that women take when going to the bathroom.”
I rolled my eyes with a groan.
Was this guy for real?
“My bathroom ‘position’ is nothing of your business.” I heaved a frustrated sigh.
Over my years of active service, I’d done much more dangerous things that going to the bathroom in hostile territory. But of course, Agan couldn’t care less about my experience or my abilities, unable to see past my appearance.
“Don’t you have more pressing issues to worry about? Other than my perceived vulnerability?” I pointed with the knife at the scorched wound on his shoulder. Droplets of blood had seeped through the seared flesh during our hike. “Treat that while I’m gone. Otherwise, I’ll cauterize it with my blade when I return. It won’t be pretty,” I warned, stomping off into the trees. “I’m sure I lack the gentle touch of the Ravil women you’re used to.”
I stayed within the radius of the alarm system of my suit, all the while fighting my severe irritation.
Granted, Agan’s behavior hadn’t left the best impression from the moment I’d laid eyes on him. However, I disliked him even more the better I got to know him.
Why did I argue with him at all? I shouldn’t even care what a person like him thought about me. Why did I care?
I inhaled deeply after doing my business, then headed back.
Whether I wanted it or not, I had to put up with Agan for several more hours. Being inside my suit should make it easier tomorrow. After we made it to the base, I’d never have to worry about him again. My biggest concern would be to not “accidentally” shoot him if our units were ever to go on another mission together.
When I came back into the clearing, Agan was sitting in the middle of it. A small, clean campfire burned cheerfully in front of him. Using one of his daggers, he was skinning something small and scaly in his lap.
At least his shoulder was now clear of blood. Though not bandaged, the wound glistened with a thin layer of some ointment he must have put on it.
“What’s that?” I pointed at the lizard-like creature in his hands.
“Dinner,” he replied, sulkily. “Are you hungry?”
“No. Thanks.” I had a couple of ration bars in my suit that would last me until we got back to the Ravil Army base tomorrow.
Walking over to the suit, I took out a plastic canteen rolled into a slim, tight cylinder. Unrolling it, I filled it with the water from the creek and dissolved a couple of water-purifying tablets in it before drinking.
“Are you thirsty?” I asked Agan. Despite being an arrogant prick, he was also currently my comrade-in-arms. We were on this mission together, and his wellbeing was my responsibility as much as mine was his.
“No.” He didn’t look up from the meat he was now spitting on a stick. “I’ve already drunk some.”
“Straight from the creek?”
Why wouldn’t he care about his own safety? Instead of obsessively concerning himself with mine?
“Yes.” He gave me an exasperated look. “I drank straight from the creek. The water is safe here.”
“Fine.” I chewed on my tasteless ration bar, watching him roast the meat. An appetizing aroma soon wafted through the air from his small campfire.
“Well, I’m going to bed, now.” I climbed into my sleeping pod.
“I’ll stay up. On the watch.”
Irritation stirred inside me all over again.
Agan had made a sleeping pallet for himself from the tree branches. He had obviously intended to get some rest right before he’d learned I was a woman. Did he now assign himself the role of the watcher, just because I had turned out to be the one of the “weaker sex”?
I hated how insecure he made me feel.