Page 19 of Somber Prince
“Hey!” I knocked on the door. “Can I have something to eat, please? I’m starving.”
Instead of a reply, tendrils of black smoke snaked through the cut-out in the bottom of the door. A jolt of fear sent me back to my bed with a cry. I crawled away from the door as the smoke rose and the shadows grew, forming a figure.
I recognized him as one of the men who’d accompanied General Oskura to my harness fitting earlier.
He raised his hands in a calming gesture. “Don’t be afraid, Sweet One. I’m not going to harm you.”
He sounded kind, speaking with a concerned expression.
Still, I stayed where I was. “Then why don’t you use the door like people do when they don’t come to abduct anyone?
I grabbed a blanket from the bed and covered my chest. Since they’d cut my clothes, I had nothing to wear but my socks and pajama pants. My nudity didn’t seem to bother the guy, however. On the contrary, he gave me a confused look, as if wondering what got me so rattled.
“I can’t open the door with the tray on the way.” He pointed down. “But you said you were starving, which is a serious concern. I had to get in. Are you all right?”
Was he really worried I might pass out without food?
“Well.” I rubbed my forehead with the hand that wasn’t holding the blanket to my chest. “It’s just an expression. I’m not quite dying from hunger yet.”
“Good.” He seemed satisfied. “Can you wait until dinner, then? Your enjoyment of the meal will be higher if you wait. His Highness will appreciate it.”
“What does he care about my enjoyment?”
I almost forgot I’d been personally invited to dinner by the prince. Was it still the same day, then? Or the same night? Time seemed to be all over the place lately.
“Are my friends coming to dinner too?” I asked with hope.
I was not looking forward to seeing the prince again, but if Elaine and Melanie were there, I could possibly suffer the royal company too. Also, getting some food sounded enticing. I was so hungry, my own words seemed to echo in my empty stomach.
“No,” he crushed my hope. “Prince Rha requested your company only.”
“Really? That’s odd.”
There was no reason for the prince to favor me over the others. If anything, I’d given him plenty of reasons to avoid me at this point. First, I’d slapped him, then I had an embarrassingly intense orgasm while clutching his hand, then I pushed him away.
Unless the invitation to dinner was not a favor but something else? Another form of punishment maybe?
“Why me?” I asked cautiously.
The man shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe His Highness wishes to get to know you better?”
“Is that what he said?”
He tilted his head, looking at me as if I were a clueless child.
“No. Prince Rha does not confide in me about the reasons for his behavior. We don’t share meals. But you will. That’d be your chance to ask him all your questions.”
He had a point. Maybe His Highness would be more forthcoming with information over some good food and wine?
“Fine,” I said. “No need to be snarky.”
The man raised his eyebrows in surprise. “I wasn’t trying to be snarky.”
“It must be a natural talent then,” I quipped, but then raised a hand in a gesture calling for truce. There was no need to antagonize this man when I could use an ally. “Sorry, I don’t want to be snappy or mean. I’m just hungry and feeling crabby, I guess. What’s your name?”
“I’m Sigid.” He bowed. “I’ll be a Joy Vessel Keeper in the sarai once I complete my training.”
He seemed proud of that position, so I nodded in support, although I didn’t really understand what he was talking about. Hunger tugged at my insides, making it hard to focus on anything else.