Page 99 of Somber Prince
Need. That was all I could think about.
“I need all of them inside you, sweetheart. My whole cluster.”
She pushed off the bed, rising on her knees in front of me, her back to my front.
“We’ll do them all, Rha. But my way. Okay?” She reached behind her, looking down over her shoulder. Grabbing a handful of my feelers, she separated them from the rest.
Her touch sent a spiral of sharp pain through my body and a wave of comforting warmth through my tendrils.
I couldn’t wait any longer. My feelers sprang toward her, sliding into her opening again as if that was their home now.
She gasped for air in short, shallow breaths. Through my tendrils, I knew she was her usual hurricane of emotions. They were swirling in an anxious twister—a dark cloud of trepidation, a spark of excitement, a heavy weight of fear. But one thing stood out, strong and unshakable amidst it all—her trust in me.
She trusted me far more than I did myself.
I lost all control over my feelers. They squirmed and undulated inside her. Those stuck in her grip strained to get free.
“Oh God, this feels so bizarre.” She arched her back, thrusting her backside into my front. “It shouldn’t feel as good as it does, should it?”
A tremor of pleasure ran down her body. It echoed through me, giving me a reprieve from pain.
But it wasn’t enough.
“More. More. More,” pounded in my head.
I had to be inside her. My entire cluster. I jerked away from her, trying to free the remaining feelers from her grip.
“No.” She stopped me firmly. “These don’t fit. Not in the same place, anyway.” She guided the remaining feelers higher, right between the half-globes of her backside. “Here, Rha. Take me here.”
She unclenched her fist, releasing the feelers. They sprung free, searching in desperation until they prodded against her back opening.
“Yesss…” She released her breath, dropping forward and arching her back. “Yes, Rha. Fuck me in the ass, my darling.”
Holding her hips, I thrust once. Slick and agile, the feelers slipped through the tight ring of her back opening. Those in the front trembled and undulated inside her, straining for a release.
With my entire cluster buried deep inside my woman, I found my footing. I released a long shuddering breath, pulled out just a little, only to slam right back in again.
And after that…
After that, I remembered nothing.
I lost all awareness of the room I was in or of the woman I was with. The need filled my entire world, blinding me to everything else. My very existence shrank to the frantic thrusting, again and again, as my body demanded.
Someone screamed under me. Someone else’s pleasure shuddered through me. It blended with my need, creating the most incredible cocktail of agony and elation.
My muscles seized, my mind grew blank, and I thought I would die.
A feral roar rocked the room, shaking the walls of the underground caves. The roar was mine. It tore from my throat as my seed spilled from my mating cluster for the first time in my life.
Then the strength left me. My limbs shook, weak as the day I was born. I crashed forward, then rolled to my side. My eyes remained open, but I saw nothing.
A gentle hand brushed over my forehead, parting the curtain of my hair over my face.
“It’s over.” Her sweet, gentle voice sounded above me. “You can rest now.”