Page 72 of To Steal the Sun
Charlotte impulsively embraced her friend, and Gwen hugged her back. She wished she could have Gwen as her attendant, but she understood that Gwen’s new role as queen precluded it. At least Gwen and Easton would be present in the front row, which was better than Charlotte had managed for their wedding.
She had been prepared for her sisters to throw fits at not being included in the wedding themselves, but they seemed to accept the excuse that there was no time to organize the necessary outfits. It probably helped that they were still in shock at the discovery of Henry’s true identity and the coming changes in their lives.
“Are you ready?” Natalie bounced into the room, looking beautiful in a gown of deep gold. “I had no idea it took so long to get ready for a wedding!”
Gwen threw a speaking look at Charlotte. “Are you regretting your choice of attendant yet?”
Charlotte stifled a laugh. “Never.”
Natalie joined her beside the mirror, surveying herself with satisfaction. “How could she regret it? I was clearly born to wear a dress like this.”
Gwen and Charlotte exchanged looks of concern at the disturbing light in Natalie’s eyes. There was something both terrifying and exhilarating about never knowing what outrageous plan the girl would get into her head next.
At least her inclusion in the event had succeeded in raising her spirits. Ever since the revelation that her brother Baden had been the one to reveal the rebels’ plans to the queen, she had been unnaturally downcast. Charlotte was just glad the job of sorting out that particular delicate situation fell to Gwen, not her.
Natalie herself was above reproach. Even without her brother’s assistance, she had managed to rouse the city’s youth, leading them to gather their families and storm the palace in support of Gwen, arriving at the crucial moment.
Natalie finished her perusal of her reflection. “Well? Are you ready, Charlotte?”
“She is,” Gwen said with a smile. “She’s perfect.”
Charlotte laughed. “Perfectly happy, perhaps.”
“Come on, then.” Natalie opened the door. “You don’t want Henry to think you’re not coming.”
Gwen shook her head. “I think Charlotte, of all people, has proven her devotion. She came all the way to the mountain kingdom to find Henry. She’s not going to run away now.”
“Will you really let me visit you in Arcadia?” Natalie asked Charlotte as they walked through the corridors toward the throne room.
“Of course,” she said before hastily adding, “Once you’re a bit older, and if your parents give permission.”
Natalie nodded absentmindedly, but Charlotte wasn’t sure she’d actually heard the last part.
They reached the double doors of the throne room and found Charlotte’s father waiting for them, a beaming smile on his face.
He leaned in to kiss her forehead, his eyes gleaming. “I’ve never been so proud of you, Charli-bear.”
She smiled back. “Just don’t let Henry hear you using that nickname. I think he’s had enough of bears for a lifetime.”
Her father laughed back. “If anyone deserves to become a crown princess, it’s you, my daughter.”
Charlotte shook her head but didn’t protest aloud. It was no use trying to convince her father how unqualified she was for the role. He believed in her, and she would have to believe in herself as well.
As Natalie took up her position in front of them, ready to enter first, Charlotte caught a considering look in her eye. When Charlotte glanced at Gwen, she saw she’d noticed it too, but whatever Gwen’s thoughts on the matter, they were clearly swept away when Easton appeared, the golden circlet from his own wedding glinting among his brown curls. His eyes moved quickly over Charlotte to land on Gwen.
They lit up at the sight of his wife, regal in frothy layers of deep blue. Charlotte sighed and smiled. In just moments she would be standing at Henry’s side. She couldn’t wait to see the same look in his eyes as Easton wore when he looked at Gwen.
The doors creaked open, and Easton offered Gwen his arm. She accepted it, and the two of them walked into the throne room. The audience rose at their entrance, bowing or dropping into curtsies, sending a rippling wave through the room in line with their progress.
Only when they were seated at the front of the room did everyone else resume their seats, craning their heads toward the door as the wedding music began.
Natalie stepped out confidently, making her way slowly down the aisle. Charlotte took her father’s offered arm and let him lead her behind her lone attendant. She had insisted that the room’s decorations be kept simple, given all the tasks facing the palace in the wake of the transfer of power. But just the presence of Henry was enough to make the whole room beautiful in her eyes.
He didn’t take his gaze off her from the moment she appeared, and as soon as she reached him, he squeezed her hands.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured.
She smiled back, forgetting both the pain of their past and the anxiety of her future role. In that moment, she was free to do nothing but celebrate this reminder of their vows. They had already promised with both word and action to be loyal and to love and be loved. But she couldn’t wait to make the same promises again.