Page 150 of The Finish Line
“Long before the fireflies, and just in time to see you take your medicine.” He winks at me, and I can’t help my victorious smile. Tyler ushers the four of us into my bedroom and closes the door before turning to Sean. “Sorry, bro, but this was my part to play. And since this has been my mission for fucking years, I thought it should be me who gets to pop the champagne.”
Sean looks ready to pummel him. “Maybe a little heads up not to shoot at the Secret fucking Service next time?”
“Test run, won’t happen again,” he assures. “Good thing you’re a terrible shot.”
“Fuck you, and I could do without the prison time with a wife and three kids.”
“You’ll never see the inside of a cell,” Tyler assures, clapping a hand on his shoulder. Sean’s eyes immediately widen and then shift to Tobias, who slowly nods.
“What did you do?” He glares between them and reads their expressions. “Tobias—”
“Amnesty, for all of us, for you, and for your son,” Tyler announces proudly. “If Dom ever decides to ink up.” Sean’s eyes drop, and I know he’s trying to rein in his emotions, but they get the best of him as he lifts his eyes to Tobias, and they share a lingering look.
“See, worth the wait,” Tyler whispers to Tobias with the subtle lift of his lips, “just to see the expression on his face.”
“Fuck,” Sean exhales harshly, running a palm down his jaw. Physically, I can see the tension leave him. It’s obviously something that’s been plaguing him for years as a family man, something he’s prepared himself for if it ever happened, and now something he’ll never have to worry about again. His hazel eyes drift back to Tobias, and Tyler speaks up. “We’ll talk about the details later.”
Sean nods, his eyes never leaving Tobias as he bobs his head several times.
“So, what now?” I ask, turning back to Tobias.
Tobias shrugs, a slight lift to his lips. “Don’t ask me. I’m not in charge.”
Tyler grins. “How does it feel?”
Tobias smiles back. “Fucking terrifying—” he pulls me tighter to him and entwines our fingers—“but I’ll... adjust.”
Sean looks over to me, his eyes shining with pride. “You did good, Pup.”
I nearly wince at the slip of his pet name for me and glance over at Tobias, who squeezes my fingers tightly between his. During all of this, Sean and I have been in close contact because it was necessary, but during that time, we managed to strike up a different kind of relationship, a friendship close to the one we had years ago. The ease in which it happened surprised us both. It was how the friendship came about that I was uncomfortable with. Not because of any lingering feelings I have for Sean, but because of how it might affect Tobias. Tobias remains mute, his expression imperceptible as I look back at Sean. “Couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Yeah, well, it wasn’t easy—” he smirks and nods toward Tobias—“I had to keep him distracted with heart-to-hearts a few times a week. He’s a whiner, by the way; you might want to see about that.”
Tobias scowls, a low growl sounding from his throat as we all share a laugh. I palm his chest. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Sean looks over to Tobias and I can feel the shift in the air between them as if they’re really seeing each other for the first time in years. Sean’s eyes rake over us together, and he nods, his eyes shining with acceptance. “But it looks like things are good now.”
Without waiting for a response, he shifts his attention to Tyler. “Good to see you, man.” He pulls him in for a half hug. They clap each other’s backs and pull away.
“We need to catch up,” Tyler agrees, and Sean nods.
“No time like the present. I could use a fucking beer.”
I clear my throat as they all start talking at once, completely ignoring the fact that there’s a French gangster in my living room. “Guys,” I say as they rattle on. “Guys,” I repeat, stepping between the three of them before nodding toward the door.
The three of us walk out as Sean approaches Antoine, looking down at him from the bridge of his nose. “What’s next is—” he gives Antoine a maniacal grin—“I take out the trash.”
Tyler moves to step in front of the window, and with the flick of his wrist the lasers disappear from Antoine’s face and chest.
Sean bends so he’s almost nose to nose with Antoine, clear violence in his posture. “Hope you ate well tonight, motherfucker, because that was your last supper.”
Antoine turns from Sean and addresses Tobias. “I have several associates who won’t at all be pleased with you if I disappear.”
“I wouldn’t be so confident,” Sean says, drawing his attention back, “they sold you out, and you came fucking cheap.”
Antoine visibly pales as Sean reveals the ace up his sleeve. “Money talks, dickhead, and we used yours to pay them. Wrestle with that shit a minute and we’ll be right back with you.” Sean smacks Antoine’s temple with his Glock for emphasis.
Antoine shifts black eyes to Tobias, who stares back at him, hellfire brimming in his eyes, but he remains mute. Sean nods to the kitchen as Tyler gets briefed by one of the men in charge, and Sean addresses the two of us.