Page 159 of The Finish Line
As expected, I get no reply. Walking into the bedroom, I see it’s also empty aside from the garment bag laying on the bed with a note attached.
Tailored for a king.
Merry Christmas.
Setting my drink down on the dresser, I walk over to it and unzip it, revealing a classic Armani with a skinny tie and freshly starched white pocket square.
“Trésor,” I sigh, running my fingers over the material in appreciation; I can’t help my grin.
It’s fucking perfect.
This woman knows me, my story, my beginning and my middle, my flaws, the history of my scars—my strengths and weaknesses. She sees so clearly past my armor and is the only one capable of going further, penetrating flesh and blood to get to the beating heart beneath. I gave that power to her, to hold it in her hand and do what she will with it. And even with it—knowing what she’s capable of doing to me—she continues to love, accepting the burden fully while remaining loyal and faithful.
The liberation that comes with her acceptance is one I unknowingly searched for and found in her. In these precious seconds, I bask in the understanding that I have someone to share myself with; a partner, a lover, confidante, and friend. Her love is all the validity I’ll ever need.
Just beneath the collar lays a small leather box. I pick it up and open it to see two custom-crafted cufflinks, painstakingly molded in great detail. A raven, wings fully stretched. Any doubts I had about her message vanish as I begin to shed my clothes.
Anticipation thrums through me as I run my keycard across the screen and open the door. The melody still plays as it did when I left it hours before. I abused my powers today—as Tobias has so many times in the past—to execute my personal plans. Over the past few hours, I used my birds to track his movements, knowing when he would arrive.
Sure in my stride, I walk into the living room to find it empty, but it’s the lingering scent of spice that has me changing direction—the hairs on my arms spiking to life as heat gathers at my core. Entering the bedroom, I come up empty but see the patio door open. It’s when I step in, I spot him on the far side of the balcony, and it’s enough to make me pause. The sight of him with his back turned, one hand resting on the balcony, the other cradling his drink, robs me of breath—knocking me into an immediate state of arousal. His hair is slicked back just enough, longer now with the ends curling slightly around his ears. It’s when he turns to face me fully that I’m rewarded in whole.
Jesus Christ.
Timeless, intimidating, formidable, and a brilliant menace. The most incredible picture of unrest. The flames waltzing in his eyes slam into me. He’s the most alluring of men and the most lethal. The heat radiating between us is already too much. The fact that he is more than capable of burning when he touches has me gravitating toward him, all too ready to thrust myself into his inferno. I’ve spent an entire day being waxed, polished, dyed, and cut, specifically for the reward of the look in his eyes. With a subtle lift of his chin, he orders me forward, and I obey, taking the strides toward him and discarding my jacket along the way without breaking my gait. His eyes drift up my frame pausing at the spiked leather boots and trailing up the sheath dress that hugs my every curve. Simmering in the possibilities, I’m granted the payoff for my efforts when he thrusts his hand through my hair, gripping it just enough so I feel the sting.
He’s back, my broken king. Though forever scarred, he’s whole again, and he’s completely mine.
“This is what you want?”
“Yes. It’s time.”
“You’re sure?”
He loosens his grip on my hair, his warm breath hitting my lips as he bends. Molten eyes penetrate mine, the only sign of emotion in his otherwise stoic expression. Only this man could make the possibility of dying together seem romantic. But he’s searching now for any trace of fear. Fear that no longer exists and won’t as long as we’re in it together.
His reply is a slow nod before his eyes dip, and his free hand wanders to the slit of my dress, his finger gliding up my thigh. His nostrils flare when he finds me bare, gathering evidence of my need for him on the pads of his fingers.
“I hope you weren’t planning on leaving this room tonight, Trésor.”
He separates me before pressing his fingers in, his hold on me tightening as he feels my desire. My mouth parts as he leans in and runs his tongue along my lower lip. Body humming, I slide my hand down the silky material of his tie and down to cover his cock, which jerks in reaction to my needy touch. Fingers entangled in my hair, he tilts my head, taking advantage of the access before pressing his full lips to my throat. My moan fuels the movement of his finger, and in seconds I’m moaning his name.
Taking his time, he thoroughly covers every inch of exposed flesh at my nape before staring down at me with satisfaction—a man on fire, as whole as a man can be after all he’s endured, as I whisper the words he’s been waiting for.
“Let’s get back to work.”
Chapter Forty-Six
The tick of a grandfather clock and the intense stare of the woman sitting across from me has me on edge. It’s been a solid minute of uncomfortable silence since we sat down. She lifts her teacup, never taking her narrowed gaze off me as I clear my throat. It was a short trip from Triple Falls back into the pits of hell, and this is part of my penance and one of Cecelia’s few conditions for re-entry. I was told in great detail of how it was “on me” to right the wrongs of my past and explain my behavior to the people who mean most to her outside of our exclusive world. One of whom is now looking at me as though plotting my slow and painful death.
Cecelia bristles at my side before bursting into laughter. “Christy, ease up on him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the man sweat this much.”