Page 42 of Sweet Revenge
This time, I let the tears hit my eyes, and I didn’t stop them. I let myself feel. I hadn’t had a family in a long time, and I wanted it, wanted it more than I’d ever wanted anything. I wanted to belong to someone again.
I made a decision at that moment. A decision that would help Jack’s family and the people I was starting to care about here at the club. I moved around the side of the bar until I stood directly in front of Jack.
“Thank you.”
He turned on his stool and leaned forward, wrapping his arms around me, and squeezing me tightly against him before he whispered, “No, Maggie, thank you.”
I pulled back and wiped the tear from my cheek. “I have something I need to do.”
He smiled softly. “Okay, darlin’.”
I nodded my head and moved around him, heading for the office where I knew Bear and Gunner were meeting with Luke. I paused outside of the door and hesitated only a moment before I lifted my hand and knocked.
“Maggie.” Gunner came to the door and stood in front of me. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” I took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. “Can I come in?”
Bear stepped up beside Gunner. “We’re having a meeting, honey. Can it wait?”
I shook my head. “It’s important.”
They shared a look of confusion, but both backed up and let me walk through. I smiled shyly at Luke and Cam who watched me closely but stayed quiet. Gunner came to stand beside me, and I exhaled slowly, feeling more confident with him at my side.
“Do you need us to leave for a minute?” Luke asked softly.
I shook my head. “No, I need to say this to all of you.” I took another deep breath, glancing back at Gunner when he reached down and wrapped my hand in his. I squeezed his hand and faced the men. “I remember what happened to me.”
Luke stood straight from where he was leaning against the desk. “Do you remember everything?”
I nodded slowly. “I think so. I mean, I blacked out and don’t remember those times, but I remember times when I was conscious.”
Gunner growled beside me, and I knew he probably didn’t want to hear this, but I moved on anyway. I looked directly at Luke. “He told me he shot you.”
Luke’s eyes widened. “Can you remember what he said exactly, Maggie?”
“He was angry. It seemed like he wanted me to react, so he kept telling me things, but I didn’t react. Then he told me he shot you. Said it was a lesson to me and a lesson to you that nothing will ever touch him.”
“Did he talk about the fire?” Cam asked.
I rolled my lips between my teeth. “Yeah, he said he wishes Kate had been there. Well, he didn’t say her name, he called her something else, something awful, but I knew who he meant.”
Cam’s eyes snapped to Gunner beside me. “You were right. He does say a lot of shit when he’s pissed.”
I felt Gunner move a little, but my eyes were locked with Luke’s who hadn’t looked away from me since I began talking. He took a step forward, his stare intense. “Why are telling us this, Maggie?”
I dropped Gunner’s hand and stepped forward, putting me almost directly in front of Luke. “I know you tried to help me for a long time, and I know I disappointed you when I would refuse to press charges.” I squared my shoulders and lifted my chin. “I want to press charges against Snake. And this time, I promise I’ll be strong enough to follow through.”
“Will you testify to everything about the shooting and the fire?” Cam asked from somewhere beside me, but my gaze was still locked with Luke’s.
“Yes.” I agreed without hesitation.
“If I get your official statement and have the charges filed, I can put out a warrant for his arrest. That will officially open the case again.” Luke watched me closely while he talked. I knew he was waiting for me to break, to change my mind, and I couldn’t blame him. I’d done it to him so many times in the past, but this time, I wasn’t doing it alone. I had people helping me, caring for me, and keeping me safe, things I’d never had all those other times when Luke would try to encourage me.