Page 59 of Sweet Revenge
“You know”—he rubbed his hand along his beard—“since you came here, you’ve been living with one foot out the door, always ready to run. I get you’ve been in survival mode, and I even get why, but Bull’s right. You need to learn to trust us, or there’s no fucking reason for you to be here.” He put his hand on my shoulder. “We built this club back up from the ruins, both agreeing how we wanted it to be, and you’ve committed to the rebuild, but I’m still not sure you’ve committed to the club.”
“When the Widows are over—”
“They’re over.” He interrupted me and squeezed my shoulder. “And very soon, you’ll have the chance to look your fucking father in the eyes and end him in any way you want to.”
“Looking forward to it, brother.”
He moved past me but stopped and looked back. “And tell Maggie to keep her damn cats away from me, or Becs won’t need to do any makeup on me.”
I laughed and followed him down the hall toward the office, grabbing my phone from my pocket to call Becs.
I needed to get Becs here with her gift.
And then I needed to see my girl.
I didn’t know what was going on.
Yesterday, I waited all day for Gunner to come back, but it wasn’t until late that he knocked on my door. He seemed quiet and tired, but he asked if he could come in. We laid down together on the bed, and he held me close after he put on a movie. We didn’t really talk; we were just together, and that was okay. I only wish I knew more about men to understand what his silence meant.
When he got up this morning, he gave me a kiss and told me to get ready, saying he’d be back for me in a little while. I didn’t know what that meant either, but I showered and got dressed in jeans and a sleeveless blouse hanging in my closet. I also left my hair down because I liked the way his eyes lit up the last time he saw it.
Wandering around my room, I was a little anxious, and if I was being honest with myself, I was also a little excited to see Gunner again. I’d hoped he would kiss me more last night, but he didn’t, and I was worried he didn’t like what we’d done. That maybe he changed his mind about me, about us. I never felt for anyone what I felt with Gunner. I had no idea that was what I’d been missing, and now I found myself wanting more.
I just didn’t know how to ask for what I wanted.
An abrupt knock on the door startled me out of my thoughts. I swallowed hard and walked slowly to my door before pulling it open to a freshly showered Gunner. I only knew that because his hair was still wet, and I could smell the fresh scent of his soap.
He took a few steps forward and leaned down, kissing my lips slowly. “You look beautiful, baby.”
I smiled shyly when he pulled back a little. “Thank you.”
He lifted his hand and laid his palm against my cheek, grinning. “Happy Birthday.”
My mouth dropped open in surprise. “How did you know it’s my birthday?”
“Ritz told me.” I thought back to conversations with Ritz at lunch, and I suddenly remembered that first lunch. He’d asked my age, and I told him my birthday was August first.
“I haven’t celebrated my birthday in a long time.” I shared quietly.
He lifted his other hand and laid it against my other cheek. “That all changes now.” He kissed me softly and whispered, his lips still brushing against mine. “You will never spend another birthday alone.”
I tilted my head back until I could look into his eyes. “When’s your birthday?”
He smiled. “October tenth.” He gave me one final kiss before he dropped his hands and stepped back. “Are you ready for your gift?”
My smile dropped. A gift? I’d never gotten a gift for my birthday. Sometimes I’d gotten a cupcake or ice cream if we had extra money but never an actual gift. I didn’t know what to do with that.
His expression was worried. “What’s wrong?”
“I never got a gift on my birthday.” I admitted softly.
Sadness flicked through his eyes. “That changes today too.”
He put his hands on my shoulders and walked me backward. “Sit on the bed and close your eyes.”