Page 89 of Sweet Revenge
“No.” Luke shook his head. “They’re lucky they didn’t catch him.” His expression turned serious. “You underestimate my brother and just how much he hates women being forced into situations; how much we all do.”
“Guess we won’t make that mistake again,” I admitted, admiring him and his brothers even more than I had before. And I wouldn’t have thought that possible.
Luke smirked. “I wouldn’t.”
They turned to leave, and Luke yanked open the door, pausing only when Cam looked back over his shoulder. “Oh, and Pike.” Pike’s head shot up, and he stared at his best friend. “It’s nice to see you haven’t lost your touch.”
They left after that, and we stood silently until Pike finally spoke up. “Son of a bitch, I forgot how good that bastard is at finding me when I’m in position.”
Bear slapped him on the back of the shoulder. “You served a lot of years together, man, so it makes sense.” Pike nodded, and Bear continued, “Never did get to tell you nice shot, brother.”
Pike frowned. “He shouldn’t have even gotten a shot off.”
“It was quick,” I said honestly. “There were so many things going on. I almost missed it.”
Pike ran his hand around the back of his neck. “I was distracted, watching a couple of prospects taking on the boys out back. Wanted to make sure a gun wasn’t pulled on them and almost completely fucking missed the bastard inside pulling a gun on you guys.”
“You were doing the right thing. The prospects needed your eyes on them more than we did.” Bear replied.
Pike huffed out a breath. “Too bad I didn’t have Cam on that hill with me. We could’ve taken out the lot of them before you boys even had to throw a punch.”
“That would’ve taken out all the fun for us.” I said, only half-joking with him.
We all laughed easily, something else I hadn’t been able to do in a while, only stopping when something occurred to me. “You think they know Nick blew it up?”
Pike nodded. “Yep. If they knew I was on that hill, then they knew where Nick was.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “They’ll never talk about it, though. I know that.”
“What makes you think that?”
“They never turned me in, and they all knew I took out Sullivan after he killed my sister. They never will.” His eyes flicked between both of ours. “They’re never going to sacrifice Nick or his freedom for doing what any one of them may have done in his situation. He did what he had to do, and they trust that.”
Bear snorted. “Never thought I’d see the day when I’d trust cops and private investigators to have my back.”
“They’re different,” Pike declared. “All of them have fought for their country, so they see the gray in every situation. All but Luke. I have to be honest, I always worried Luke was too much of a straight shooter to ever understand the sins of my past or look past the black and white of the situation, but then I watched him protecting his brothers, his family, and most recently Kate, and I realized something.”
I jerked my chin up. “What’s that?”
“He’s a man. A man like us.” He motioned among the three of us. “And when someone hurts the ones he loves, he sees the gray.” Pike shoved his hands deep into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “He might just be the most dangerous of all of us because you’d never expect it from him.”
“You’re damn right about that, brother,” I agreed. “Never when I met him, would I have thought he’d be the man he is.”
Bear swung his arm out and punched Pike in the shoulder. “When you joining us?”
Pike chuckled. “I think I’m happy watching your shit from the outside.”
Bear smirked. “Figured you’d say that, but if you ever change your mind, there’s always a place for you with the Sinners, and you won’t ever be a prospect.” His face once again turned serious. “What you did for us, what you offered and sacrificed means you’d come in as a member. I know all the members would feel that way.”
Pike nodded. “I appreciate that.”
“You need to get yourself a bike first.”
Pike huffed out a laugh. “Just bought a house, man. I really don’t think Bella would agree to a bike right now, especially when we have a wedding to pay for.”
My eyes widened in surprise. I’d wondered how long it would take for him to marry Bella. “How’d you talk her into that?”
He shrugged but had a shitty grin on his face. “I got her when she was tired and off her game.”
We laughed along with him, Bear shaking his head and finally speaking up. “When is it?”